Brock Lesnar/NFL, Simmons' Release, Heenan/Shane

- For people interested, on his first day of training in Arizona, Brock Lesnar tipped the scales at 283 lbs, ran 4.65 seconds for the 40 yards, had a 35-inch vertical jump and benched 225 for 30 reps.

- The recent APA angle was set up for Bradshaw to turn heel and get rid of Ron Simmons, but in the meantime, Simmons ended up being released. There wasn't really a single incident that led to his release, but rather that at 45 years of age, his time was just up. WWE did offer to put Simmons in rehab for alcohol abuse but he refused so that probably didn't help his case.

- Bobby Heenan came up with a promo on Pete Rose for the Wrestlemania Hall of Fame ceremonies which was primarily to talk about his gambling and tax problems as well as being kicked out of baseball before concluding with "Pete, welcome to the business". Heenan ran the promo by Vince McMahon, who not surprisingly, nixed it immediately.

- When Shane McMahon approached Bobby Heenan after his speech to congratulate and praise him, Heenan responded by asking Shane "and your name is?".

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