Warrant Issued For Chris Jericho After He Skips Court Hearing This Morning

Source: WCPO.com

According to Cincinnati, Ohio's WCPO television station, a bench warrant has been issued for WWE star Chris Jericho after he and his attorneys failed to appear at a court hearing this morning in Kenton County, Kentucky. A "failure to show" citation for $253 was also issued.

Today's hearing was to follow up to his arrest last month for public intoxication involving fellow WWE star Gregory Helms. The article notes that Helms or somebody representing him showed up and paid a fine. The story has been picked up by TMZ.com.

UPDATE: Chris Jericho just posted the following message on Twitter.com/iamjericho: Paid my fine on time and never had a court date. I'm free to walk the streets.... Sorry TMZ wrong again.

TMZ.com has posted their own update, stating, “Jericho finally called the court and paid his $159 fine — so the arrest warrant is no longer in effect.”

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