What You Didn't See On RAW: Recap Of WWE App Exclusive Videos

During the commercial breaks of Monday's WWE RAW from San Jose, California, the WWE app aired several videos that didn't air on television:

- Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow crashed Team Hell No's anger management graduation ceremony. Dr. Shelby ended up losing his cool and pushed Sandow over a table, leading Kane and Bryan to clear the ring of the Rhodes Scholars. Rhodes Scholars out of the ring to end the segment.

- Sheamus was interviewed by Matt Striker backstage and said he plans to Brogue Kick everyone in Sunday's Royal Rumble match.

- 3MB spoke to Matt Striker and they guaranteed that one of them will win the Rumble.

- World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio spoke with Matt Striker and promised that "a giant will fall" at the Rumble, just like the Baltimore Ravens will fall to the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl. Del Rio is a big San Francisco 49ers fan.

- The Miz spoke with Matt Striker, who noted that Miz had trouble applying the figure four lock lock during his match with Dolph Ziggler. Miz blamed his troubles on being rushed due to the Beat the Clock Challenge and said he needs to keep working on the move. The Miz said he will master the move and help carry on the legacy of Ric Flair.

- It was announced on Monday's RAW that the Big Show's World Heavyweight title match against Alberto Del Rio will be a Last Man Standing match. Booker T allowed Big Show to pick the match stipulation as a result of Big Show threatening to get him fired for violating his iron-clad contract by booking the Falls Count Anywhere match on SmackDown where he lost the belt to Del Rio.

* Amazing/Disturbing VIDEO: Daniel Bryan Is ... The DAZZLER