New Backyard Criminals DVD; Featuring The Sandman, Vampiro, New Jack, more

Reader Michael Moody sent in the following:

Niolan Entertainment is proud to announce the world wide release of BACKYARD CRIMINALS on March 9, 2004!

Backyard Criminals will be released through,, and on March 9, 2004. For more information visit and click "movies" and then click on the Backyard Criminals icon.

Press and interview requests can be sent to

Over the years backyard wrestling naturally stigmatized to being known as something "evil" and by many in the wrestling community is looked at as nothing more than a joke.

Times have changed and the truth is now revealed!

Backyard Criminals will take you into the world of backyard wrestling that you've never seen before and show you teenage backyard wrestlers so talented you won't believe your own eyes. These backyard wrestlers don't need barbed-wire bats and flaming chairs! These backyard wrestlers have perfected the art of wrestling and the footage of the technically gifted wrestlers on this DVD will leave you in disbelief that backyard wrestlers could be so talented and impressive!

Celebrity wrestlers throughout the production will share with you their honest opinions about backyard wrestling and what they say will shock you!

Wrestlers included on the DVD are The Sandman, Vampiro, Vic Grimes, Konnan, New Jack and America's favorite backyard wrestler