WWE House Show Results (3/21/04) - Fort Wayne, Indiana

Report by: Jason Kilander, rajah.com reader

Hello rajah.com, I went to the house show in Fort Wayne Indiana, here are the results.

Just prior to the opening match, WWE Diva Stacy Kiebler came out to remind everyone
of the upcoming WWE draft lottery Monday nite on Raw.

Opening match: Rico w/ Miss Jackie Vs Horseshoe(I thought thats what the Fink called
Pretty basic match, Rico did a good job of working the crowd, several Rico chants
during this one. Horseshoe looked very green, but showed a lot of potential. WINNER:

Second Match: Lance Storm Vs Steven Richards
Storm came out to his old intro music and ring attire, asked the crowd if they
wanted him to dance, maybe do hte cabbage patch? He said to bad, his days of acting
like a buffoon are over. Huge boring chant breaks out, Richards comes down, taunts
Storm, asks him why he won't dance, good back and fourth match. Storm caught
Richards with the "Maple Leaf" (single leg crab) but Richards rolled through into a
small package for the 1-2-3. WINNER: Steven Richards.

Third Match: Val Venis Vs Batista
Batista looks big on TV, looks even bigger when your sitting 3 rows from the ring!
Val had the early upper hand, until Batista went to the power moves, gave him a
devastating spine buster, then the Tiger Bomb. WINNER: Batista

Fourth Match: #1 Contenders elimanation 3 way tag match: Jindrak/Cade, La
Resistance. Hurricane/Rosey.
Conway did an outstanding job of working the crowd. 'Cane and Rosey had the upper
hand in the early goings, Dupree and Conway were very ineffective for most of the
match. One of the more entertaining spots of the night was when the Hurricane jumped
from the top rope to the outside onto Cade/Jindrak and LaResistance, then Rosey
tried the same thing, but everyone QUICKLY moved out of the way. LaResistance were
the first to be elimanated by Rosey, then Cade, to make the #1 contenders for the
World Tag Titles. Overall good match, alot of action.

Benoit Promo: Benoit came out to promo his title reign and main Event title match
with HHH, Eric Bishcoff quickly interupted him.............and got the crossface
for his actions.

Fifth match: Christian w/ Trish Stratus Vs Chris Y2J Jericho
Trish is hot upclose first off!!! Jericho grabs the mic, says its not every day you
see a CLB and a DDFBTH together in one spot. Trish has no clue as to what Y2J is
talking about, so Jericho tells her that DDFBTH stands for, Dirty Disgusting Filthy
Bottomfeeding Trashbag HO!! Great match, Jericho was dominate in the early minutes,
tried for the walls several times to no luck, Christian with the hepl of Trish then
took the upperhand, until Jericho finally landed a damn fine looking Walls of
Jericho(actually looked like the Walls and not a Boston Crab!) but Trish entered the
ring and almost got the Walls, but Christian rolled up Jericho for the 1-2-3 while
holding the top rope. Great match!

Sixth Match: Womens Triplr Threat Title match: Molly Vs Jazz Vs Victoria. Molly came
out with another wig which she would lose. Jazz and Curly Holly dominated Victoria
for the most part, until the tried to go for the pinfall, can't remember exactly
how, but Victoria won to retain the strap.

Seventh Match: Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Vs Kane, Looks like Matt Hardy will be doing a
face turn soon, or at least he did in this match, he gave Fort Wayne an interesting
Matt Fact, Kane is an ugly bastard! Quick match, Kane delivered a devastating
chokeslam(which I snapped a good pic of!) for the 1-2-3.

Main Event: World Heavywieght Championship: Chris Benoit Vs HHH

Great match!!! HHH dominated the first five minutes or so, Benoit went for an early
crossface but no dice, the spilled in and out of the ring for a minute or two, when
they finally got back into the ring Benoit hit the Triple Germans and the flying
headbutt, then Batista came down to the ring, tossed Triple H the Title while
distracting Earl Hebner, but no luck, Benoit ended up Smacking Batista with the
Belt, then put Triple H in one Sweet Ass Sharpshooter, then the
Crossface.........Triple H taps Again!!
Benoit retains the Title.

Overall Great show!!
Andthe made a good announcement for those in the FT Wayne area, Smackdown is coming
to Ft Wayne TV Thursday nights on Upn 31( For those Ft Wayne readers who were not in

Thanks, love the new site