Tonight on NXT we have: Ashante Thee Adonis taking on Dion Lennox, Wendy Choo battles Lola Vice, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger go against Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, Jaida Parker -vs- Wren Sinclair -vs- Adriana Rizzo -vs- Kendal Grey -vs- Sol Ruca -vs- Karmen Petrovic in a Gauntlet Eliminator Match, Joe Hendry, Wes Lee and Pete Dunne go head to head in a No 1 Contenders Match for the NXT Title, Chase U has a celebration for winning the Tag Titles, plus much more!
Welcome to NXT! The show starts with Jaida Parker, Sol Ruca, and Karmen Petrovic making their way to arena. Petrovic is seen being attacked by Izzy Dame.
Chase U Celebration
A video package for Chase U winning the tag gold is shown, and we are immediately taken to the Chase U celebration. Andre Chase and Ridge Holland make their way to the ring with the rest of Chase U. Chase is on the mic first and says it's a new year at Chase U. The troupe congratulates Ridge Holland and they doubted him at first but without him, they wouldn't have the tag gold. Andre Chase thanks Ridge personally and they all hug. Axiom and Frazer head out and say they want to discuss something. They say Chase U may have been the better team last week but they're consistently the better team. Frazer says they want a rematch but Ridge cuts him out and says he is offended they're interrupting the Chase U celebration. Holland says he's reached new heights because of Chase U. He says he's busted his ass for six years and he's finally become champion. Axiom says he wants their rematch. Hudson and Osborne challenge them to a match and Axiom and Frazer accept.
Match 1: Chase U (Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson) -vs- Axiom and Nathan Frazer
Osborne and Axiom start the match with Osborne talking capitalizing at first. They go back and forth and Axiom sends Osborne out. Hudson comes and Frazer comes in and takes out Hudson. All the men are on the outside and Osborne gets back in the ring and suicide dives out on his opponents and we go to commercial.
Back in the ring, Osborne and Axiom trade blows. Axiom clothesline Osborne in the ropes and Osborne comes back but Axiom takes him down with a standing spanish fly, right into an ankle match. Osborne tags in Hudson who throws Axiom across the ring who tags in Frazer. Hudson takes down Frazer with a bottom rope headscissor and then spinning side walk slam for a two count. Hudson has Frazer up for a razors edge but Frazer counters out for a two count. Frazer on the offensive and tries for a flipping facebuster but Osborne tags in. Osborne is taken down by Frazer for a near fall. Osborne goes for a shooting star press but Frazer moves out of the way and hits a spring board spanish fly for a two count. Frazer and Osborne are throwing eachother around. Axiom tags in and takes out Osborne for the three count.
Winners: Axiom and Nathan Frazer
Backstage Stevie Turner and Robert Stone are chatting. Ava comes in and they tell her they have great ideas. Izzy Dame comes in and asks if she has heard the rumours of Karmen Petrovic being out of the gauntlet match. She asks to be her replacement but Ava says it'll be Brinley Reece.
Backstage, Wren Sinclair, Kendal Grey, Carlee Brite and Brinley Reece chat about the gauntlet match.
Match 2: Wendy Choo -vs- Lola Vice
Choo is out first and Lola Vice comes out next salsa-ing everywhere. The bell rings and Choo takes down Vice and slaps a chokehold on her. Choo with stomps to Vice and then Choo takes her to the turnbuckles. Vice now on the offense with some kicks to Choo but Choo rolls her up and locks her into a submission. Choo lets go of the hold to get of being pinned. Choo has Vice in the corner but Vice knees her way out of it. Running axe kick from Vice to Choo and Vice takes out Choo with a powerslam and we cut to commercial.
Back to the action, Choo is choking out Vice on the bottom rope. Choo locks Vice's neck between her feet and tries twisting her neck and then hits Vice with a headbutt. Vice and Choo go at in the corner. Choo hits a suplex into a two count. Vice kicks Choo a few times and Choo fires back with some of her own. Vice with an inside cradle for a two count, and back on their feet and Choo takes Vice down with a kick. Choo smashes Vice's face into the mat and chokes her out in the turnbuckle. Choo hits a neckbreaker and covers for two. Choo hits a cartwheel elbow and the perches Vice upside down in the corner delivers a running basement dropkick for a two count. Choo has Vice in a chokehold. Vice powers out and rolls up Choo for a two count. Vice connects with some kick combos and gets Choo down. Choo rolls into the corner and Vice lines her up for a body hit into the corner for a two count. Choo with a roll up in a two count, and then slaps Vice in a sleeper hold. Kelani Jordan makes her way down to the ring and gets in the ring for some reason and Vice elbows her in the face accidentally. Vice checks on Jordan and Choo hits Vice with a loaded pillow for the win.
Winner: Wendy Choo
Jordan challenges Choo to a match at No Mercy and lays out Choo and removes her title from the pillow case.
Backstage Wes Lee is interviewed. He says Hendry is here for clout and Dunne is no match for him. The screen splits and Joe Hendry is interviewed too. Hendry directs his comments at Lee and says what he did to the Rascalz was very low. He says its the biggest match of his life and we head to commercial.
Back on NXT, Fallon Henley we get a video package with Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley. They call out all the women for not respecting them. They say they're the top and leaders of the division. Jazmyn Nyx is show beside them and they say she's the next leader. The trio says everyone should look up them as they are the example, leaders and fatal influence.
Match 3: No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator Match - Wren Sinclair -vs- Sol Ruca -vs- Kendal Grey -vs- Brinley Reece -vs- Adrianna Rizzo -vs- Jaida Parker
Ruca and Sinclair start off. Ruca spins around Sinclair with some reversals. Arm drag to Sinclair who takes Ruca down with her own. Ruca and Sinclair just tumble around the ring reversing an arm hold. Sinclair trips Ruca who gets her down with a drop toe hold into a submssion. Sinclair now has Ruca in a single leg crab and works on her leg. Sinclair now tries for a modified surfboard submission. Ruca breaks out of the hold for a two count. The women take eachother down with hair mares and the next opponent comes out and it's Adrianna Rizzo. Rizzo hits a cross body on both women and suplex's them around the ring. She beats both women in opposite corners but Ruca kicks Rizzo. Both Rizzo and Sinclair on Ruca's back, but she powers out. Rizzo throws Ruca across the ring and Rizzo tries for a pin but Sinclair comes in and breaks it. Rizzo with a neckbreaker on Ruca and Sinclair distracts Rizzo and Ruca sets her up for a modified spinebuster for the first pin.
First Elimination: Adrianna Rizzo
Back in the ring, Brinley Reece has entered during the commercial break. Reece is getting the better of both women and we have another woman coming in and it's Kendal Grey. Grey goes after Reece and she fireman carries all three women and then nails them all with german suplexes and pins Brinley Reece.
Elimination 2: Brinley Reece
Grey is still taking it to Ruca and Sinclair. She hits a springboard splash on Ruca and rolls up Sinclair for a two count. She gets on Ruca's shoulders but Ruca stops it and slams Grey on her face. Ruca throws Grey in a surfboard submission. Grey fights out and Sinclair clobbers her. Sinclair and Ruca go at and Ruca hits a facebuster and then throws Grey on her shoulders and throws her to the outside. Ruca hits a moonsault and Jaida Parker comes in and takes out Ruca, then Sinclair and the Grey. Grey gets a near fall on Parker but Parker fights back and sandwiches Grey in the ropes. Flapjack slam to Grey for the pin.
Elimination 3: Kendall Grey
Sinclair attacks Parker and Ruca comes out of nowhere and hits the Sol Snatcher on Sinclair for the pin.
Elimination 4: Wren Sinclair
Down to two women, and they go back and forth. Parker hits a modified Falcon Arrow for a two count, and then rolls up Ruca for a two count. Parker hoists up Ruca for a power bomb but she rolls out for a pinning attempt but she's holding the ropes. Parker then comes back at her and Ruca is down after attempting a Sol Snatcher. Parker hits a running hip to Ruca for the win.
Winner: Jaida Parker
After the match, Jaida gets on the mic and tells Roxanne Perez her days as champ are numbered.
We cut to Perez backstage watching the match but she doesn't seem bothered.
Ethan Page is interviewed backstage about the main event today. Pete Dunne comes in and calls out Page. Dunne says he will break Page's fingers when he gets to No Mercy.
Match 4: Tank Ledger and Hank Walker -vs- Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
Ledger and Walker are out first followed by Gallows and Anderson. The men get in eachothers face. Anderson and Walker start off and Walker tags in Ledger and Anderson gets double teamed. Anderson comes back with some chops. Ledger gets Anderson in the corner and Walker tags in and Hank and Tank squish Anderson. Walker goes for the pin but gets a two count. Anderson fights back with some quick rounds and sends Walker to the outside. Gallows is tagged in and back in the ring Gallows pounds on Walker. Anderson is tagged in and tries a pin for a two count. Anderson has Walker in a submission hold and Walker tries to fight out of it for a tag. Walker drops Anderson who tags out and Walker tags in Ledger. Ledger splashes both men and goes for a rope splash but Gallows kicks him and tags out. Outside, Walker takes out Gallows and in the ring, Ledger flies off the ropes and splashes Anderson. Hank and Tank double team Anderson for the win.
Winners: Hank and Tank
Back from commercial break, and The No Quarter Catch Crew is in the ring. Demspey gets on the ring, and says the order has finally returned. Wren Sinclair gets on the mic and says things are back to normal. Dempsey asks her not to interrupt him. He says the D'Angelo Family's reign of terror is over. Wren interrupts again and says Dempsey will challenge anyone and Oba Femi's music hits and he comes out. Femi congratulates Dempsey - Femi says he has the most prestigious title on this brand and he holds it - The Ruler - Oba Femi. Femi says he's defended his title against many people and wouldn't mind adding the Heritage Cup to his resume. The D'Angelo Family comes out and Tony says he doesn't want the cup but he wants something else. But he doesn't forget and the D'Angelo Family take out Dempsey, Sinclair and Borne. Back in the ring Femi tries to powerbomb D'Angelo, but he counters and hits Femi with a Spinebuster. Tony D poses above a fallen Femi.
Backstage, Ashanti Thee Adonis is walking backstage with some of the developmental women. They walk away from him and talk to Dion Lennox. The women walk away and we see Je'Von Evans... Wren Sinclair comes by and asks him to watch the Heritage cup. Gallus comes by and offers Evans a spot to come under their wing. He declines.
We are back from commercial break and straight into our next match.
Match 5: Dion Lennox -vs- Ashante "Thee" Adonis
Lennox is out first, followed by Adonis. The men go to lock up but Adonis comes flying at Lennox. Lennox is down in the corner and Adonis chokes him out. Adonis comes at Lennox who throws Adonis in the air and hits a drop kick. Lennox takes down Adonis with a huge body slam and then crushes him in the corner. Release German Suplex on Adonis who rolls out of the ring. Lennox follows him out but Adonis knocks him down and head back in the ring and hits a spinning splash on Lennox. Back in the ring Adonis tries for a cover and then slaps Lennox. Lennox fires back and punches Adonis a few times. Lennox nails a spinebuster for a two count. Lennox tries for a suplex but Adonis eye gauges him. Adonis sets up for a superkick and connects for the win.
Winner: Ashante "Thee" Adonis
Backstage Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson talk about Fatal Influence's promo. Lexis King comes out and calls them MetaTwo because Noam is out and Oro lost so it's just them. Oro Mensah comes by after King leaves and asks what that was about and says things have changed since Noam has been gone.
Match 6 - No 1 Contender's Match: Wes Lee -vs- Pete Dunne -vs- Joe Hendry
Ethan Page is out with the commentators for this match.
Lee comes out first, and then Dunne is introduced and now it's time to believe in Joe Hendry.
Lee and Dunne attack Hendry as he's posing and then go at each other and the bell rings. Hendry throws Dunne out of the ring and he and Lee face off. Hendry takes down Lee and then goes after Dunne. Suplex to Dunne by Hendry who then is attacked by Lee. Lee slams Hendry down and hits him with a drop kick. Dunne gets Lee out of the ring and singles out Hendry's arm. Dunne chops Hendry who chops back and they go back and forth. Dunne has Hendry down in the corner and Lee comes back in and Dunne chops Lee. Dunne gets Lee on his shoulders but Lee slides out and Hendry comes from behind and slingshots Lee into Dunnes crotch. Dunne rolls out of the ring and Lee and Hendry go at. Lee attempts a suicide dive onto Dunne who moves out of the way and tries for a moonsault and misses and Hendry comes flying over the top rope onto both men.
We come back from the break with Dunne kicking Hendry down on the mat. Hendry gains momentum and fires back and Dunne and gets him down with clothesline. Lee comes back and Hendry takes them both down with a clothesline. Fallaway slams on both Dunne and Lee and then he pick them both up and does a double Fallaway Slam. Hendry gets the crowd clapping and grabs both Dunne and Lee but they all start hitting eachother. Hendry tries for a chokeslam on Dunne but Lee comes at them with a second rope moonsault. The men get back on their feet and continue kicking eachother. Dunne throws Hendry into a submission and then throws Lee into the mix. Dunne slams Lee onto Hendry for a two count. Dunne tries for a belly to back suplex but Lee lands on his feet. Lee takes out Hendry and the hits a spike DDT on Dunne for a two count. Lee gets on the top rope but is stopped by Dunne and Lee gets hung up on the ropes. Dunne gets on the top rope, Hendry comes by takes down Lee and Lee comes back and powerbombs Hendry who suplexes Dunne. Frog Splash on Hendry for a two count by Lee. Lee and Hendry are in the ring and tries for the Wes Side but Dunne stops him and snaps his fingers. Dunne gets in the ring and Hendry hits a chokeslam for the 1-2- Page pulls the ref out. Hendry goes out to confront Page but Lee tries to stop him but gets chokeslammed onto the announce table. Hendry heads back in the ring and hits Dunne with another chokeslam and Page stops a second official from counting the pin. Hendry is distracted and Dunne gets Hendry down, Trick Williams comes in and takes out Dunne and gets the first ref back in and Hendry covers Dunne for the win.
Winner and No 1 Contender: Joe Hendry
After the match Zachary Wentz comes out and attacks Wes Lee. Officials enter the ring and try breaking them up as the show goes off the air.