25 Years!

Hey yo, Rajah here! Thought I'd post a quick note to let you all know that rajah.com (including all past variations) celebrated 25 years on the internet yesterday, December 5.
From our beginnings on Angelfire.com to RajahWWF.com and eventually to Rajah.com, I truly can't believe it's been a quarter of a century (!!) since I was sitting in that computer lab at university hitting up Webcrawler or Infoseek or whatever the search engine was back then trying to find out who Kane was! And then deciding...yeah ok that's it, I'm gonna start my own wrestling site.
25 years is a damn long time and I obviously couldn't have done this alone. There are so many people who helped along the way, but I definitely owe a big thanks to all those individuals who contributed content at some point or another and of course, to everyone who visited regularly and not only made the hard work worthwhile, but launched the site to a level of success that I never imagined.
Much thanks and love to you all,
Email me at rajah@rajah.com or comment below, especially if you're a long-time visitor. I'd love to hear from you!