AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash Results (12/29/2023): Addition Financial Arena, Orlando, FL.

It's Friday night, and you know what that means ...

All Elite Wrestling is back with their annual "New Year's Smash" episode of AEW Rampage on TNT from Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, Florida at 10/9c.

On tap for this week's show is Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Matt Sydal for the ROH Pure title, CHAOS (Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti, Ruby Soho (w/ Saraya & Harley Cameron) vs. Marina Shafir and we will hear from Chris Jericho.

Featured below are complete AEW Rampage: New Year's Smash results from Friday, December 29, 2023. The following report was written by reporter Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired from 10-11pm EST. on TNT.


It's time for All Elite Wrestling to close out the year of 2023 on television before they close out the year in general on pay-per-view tomorrow night, as the AEW Worlds End 2023 "go-home" episode of AEW Rampage is now off-and-running with the "This is Rampage, baby!" theme and accompanying video.

Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara Kick Off This Week's Show

From there, we shoot inside the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL. for the special annual "New Year's Smash" episode of AEW Rampage on TNT. Excalibur welcomes us to the show and then we head straight to the ring for our opening segment.

"The Dapper Yapper" Justin Roberts formally introduces "The Ocho" Chris Jericho, who makes his way out as fireworks and pyro explode. He makes his way down the entrance ramp as we see he and Sammy Guevara making up on this week's AEW Dynamite, setting up a big multi-tag bout for AEW Worlds End 2023.

Jericho starts off with a call-and-response with the crowd, who he calls lively tonight. He then mentions "last week on Dynamite" how he and Sammy patched things up, Sting and Darby Allin also coming out and how it led to the big PPV match this weekend. He talks about how Sting once told him he'd have his back.

He says before we go to Worlds End, he's got a few things he wants to sort out with Guevara before they go to war on Saturday night as teammates. Sammy's theme hits and out comes "The Spanish God." The two talk about their long history and how recently Guevara turned on him and joined The Don Callis Family.

After they sort that out, each offer an apology to the other and they officially mend things between each other and mention how they're now ready to go to war as teammates once again, Le Sex Gods, this Saturday night at the year-end AEW Worlds End 2023 pay-per-view in Long Island, New York. He also asks him to be his partner for his tag title shot.

Renee Paquette Interviews Daniel Garcia & Matt Menard

Renee Paquette is standing backstage with Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard. Menard speaks first about how Garcia did in the AEW Continental Classic Tournament and how The House of Black attacked him. Garcia closes the segment out vowing to get revenge on The House of Black at some point down the line.

Ruby Soho (w/ Saraya & Harley Cameron) vs. Marina Shafir (w/ Nyla Rose)

Back inside the arena, the theme for Ruby Soho hits and out she comes accompanied by Saraya and Harley Cameron. She settles in the ring and her theme dies down. Now the entrance tune her for opponent plays and out comes Marina Shafir accompanied by Nyla Rose.

Shafir takes the shoes and socks off and enters the ring. The bell sounds and we're officially off-and-running with this women's singles showdown. The commentators sing the praises of Shafir's martial arts background as she jumps into the early offensive lead. After Harley Cameron gets involved from ringside, Soho takes over.

Soho throws Shafir out to the floor right in front of Saraya and Cameron. Nyla Rose walks over so they don't do anything. On that note, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break as the action in this one-on-one women's bout continues.

When we return from the break, after some more back-and-forth action and multiple distraction spots from those at ringside, we see Soho get a roll-up and hold onto the tights of Shafir for the pin fall victory. After the match, we see The Don Callis Family backstage sending a message ahead of AEW Worlds End 2023 tomorrow night. We head to another break.

Winner: Ruby Soho

The Battle Of Long Island Announced For AEW Worlds End 2023

We see a backstage segment with Renee Paquette interviewing Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale about their unique friendship over the past few weeks/months. Stokely Hathaway ends up coming in and playing the role of the one stirring the crap between the two.

In the end, a match dubbed "The Battle of Long Island" is announced between Statlander and Nightingale for Saturday night's AEW Worlds End 2023 pay-per-view in Long Island, New York. We head to another commercial break.

ROH Pure Championship
Wheeler Yuta (C) vs. Matt Sydal

We head back inside the arena and it's time for championship action. The ring announcer introduces the challenger, Matt Sydal, who makes his way down to the ring to a good pop from the Orlando crowd and a ton of praise from the commentary trio on the broadcast.

He settles inside the squared circle and his music dies down. The entrance theme for Wheeler Yuta hits and out comes the Blackpool Combat Club member and the reigning and defending ROH Pure Champion. He settles in the ring as the commentators run down the special rules for a ROH Pure Championship contest.

The two shake hands and then the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. We see some amazing back-and-forth high-flying and technical wrestling and then Yuta pulls off the win. After the match, Danhausen comes out and cuts a promo until Yuta attacks him. His opponent for Worlds End, HOOK, ends up coming out to make the save.

Winner and STILL ROH Pure Champion: Wheeler Yuta

CHAOS vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti

It's main event time!

The trio of AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Baretta and Rocky Romero, collectively known as CHAOS, make their way down to the ring for our final match of the evening when we return from a commercial break. They settle into the ring as Cassidy's catchy-ass theme music dies down.

Next out are the trio of Action Andretti and the Top Flight duo of Dante and Darius Martin. The bell sounds and we're officially off-and-running with the final AEW television match of 2023. Cassidy and Andretti kick things off for their respective teams.

We see some back-and-forth action and some tags as Tony Schiavone begins running down the AEW Worlds End 2023 lineup. After the Top Flight duo hit some big fast-paced high-risk offensive spots, they settle into the offensive lead as we head into a mid-match commercial break as the match continues.

When we return, we see a bunch of two-on-one spots in back-to-back fashion. After a big 450 splash we see a super close near fall that sees literally everyone from both teams dive onto the pin attempt to break it up. Cassidy and Martin are left alone in the ring and Dante blasts him with a super kick.

Romero takes out Dante but then Darius takes him out. Trent comes in and he and Darius duke it out until Trent knocks him out of the ring. Andretti knocks him out to the floor and hits a wild moonsault off the ropes onto a pile of bodies on the floor. Romero hits a big dive after that.

Back in the ring, we see a release German suplex spot off the top-rope. Cassidy runs in and blasts everyone that moves with Orange punches. Dante rolls him up but he escapes. Romero tags in but Dante hits a big spot for a pin fall victory. As soon as the match wraps up, Excalibur plugs AEW Worlds End 2023 and the show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!

Winners: Top Flight & Action Andretti