-- Beyond Wrestling, an independent wrestling promotion based out of Worcester, MA, has "indefinitely suspended" its executive producer, Jon Roy, after comments he made on X that broke the promotion's "code of conduct regarding derogatory language."
-- In response to a post announcing a six-man tag team match, Roy replied with "For the first time in years, that ugly bald guy in a dress won’t be ruining my hardcam shot" before deleting it. However, at least one fan saw his post and took a screenshot, calling him out. Another reader stated that they are "fuming" and Roy replied with "it's ok I got fired for it", though a few minutes later, owner/founder Drew Cordeiro tweeted his own response:
"Effective immediately I have indefinitely suspended our executive producer Jon Roy. Our code of conduct states derogatory language will not be tolerated. I’ll address this further when my schedule allows."
-- Roy then came at Cordeiro by saying "Gonna go live in the real world where your fake outrage doesn’t matter" but since then has tweeted several more times, apologizing for his actions:
"But when something I’ve worked so hard to build up is being attacked over things not in my control, it hurts, and I retaliated unjustly. For everyone that’s blocked me, that’s fine, I get it. Continue to shit on me, I get that too."
"All I ask is that you continue to support the wrestlers who work hard every week. What I did was wrong, but never take things out on the company as a whole because you’re only harming the ones who depend on that income."
"So on a personal note to Ry ncrypted, I’m sorry. You’ve done nothing wrong to me. I’m not expecting forgiveness. To the ones threatening violence, congratulations, you’ve done nothing."
"To the ones messaging me with concern because they know this isn’t who I am, thank you."
-- It remains to be seen if Roy has actually been terminated as he claims or suspended as the owner stated publicly.