Matt Hardy Says He Feels Good About The Hardy Boyz Appearing In WWE This Year

-- One half of the current TNA tag team champions, Matt Hardy, recently spoke to Chris Van Vliet and commented on the prospects of the Hardy Boyz returning to WWE for a match in 2025. Hardy noted that he felt good about it happening based on the WWE-TNA relationship (this interview took place before the official announcement of the partnership):

"I feel good about that. That’s one of the great things about working with TNA now. They know that we do have a lot of love for WWE. They know that we would like to one day do the Hall of Fame. We filmed some content for WWE that’ll probably be dropping pretty soon. I saw The Dudleys did it the day before us, and I know theirs just dropped recently. But we have a good working relationship with them. I think if the perfect storm arose, I think you could see us pop up even as TNA champs on some WWE show at some point. Who knows?"

-- Hardy also commented on the benefits of the ongoing WWE-TNA relationship, highlighting that he feels it benefits both companies:

"If a TNA star goes and shows up on NXT, they seem like a bigger star. It’s a great star-building moment for them. And with that same thing being said, TNA is a company that has been around for over two decades. And if you send an NXT talent to TNA, they seem like a bigger star for being there too."