NXT No Mercy Live Results (Sept. 1, 2024) - Ball Arena - Denver, CO

NXT No Mercy Pre-Show & Discussion

Welcome back everyone for tonight's LIVE results coverage of NXT No Mercy, coming to us LIVE from right here in sunny Denver, Colorado. The Ball Arena, host of tonight's event, will also host tomorrow's Monday Night Raw. We've got six matches set for tonight's loaded card. Again, for those who dislike time zones, tonight's show airs on the Peacock network at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, and 4pm Pacific.

Our official RN/EW preview dropped earlier this morning. We've got two cross-brand matches as TNA Wrestling's Joe Henry challenges NXT Champion Ethan Page for gold and bragging rights. Also as part of tonight's special crossover, TNA's Zach Wentz (with a z!) takes on Wes Lee in what should be a high-octane match. NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez looks to shut up challenger Jaida Parker, while "the Don of NXT" Tony D'Angelo has much to say as he challenges North American Champion Oba Femi. Speaking of NA titles, Women's North American Champion Kelani Jordan puts her strap on the line against Wendy Choo. And in yet another match for championship gold, NXT Tag Team Champs Chase U take on previous champs Axiom & Nathan Frazer. Looks like tonight's card should be pretty high-energy.

We'll have all this action and more later today on NXT No Mercy--live at 7pm Eastern! Currently, the preshow is airing on Peacock and consists of hype vignettes, the same ones from YouTube and NXT advertisements this week. Sam Roberts and McKenzie Mitchell discuss each match, giving their thoughts and doing their best to plug the card. Shortly before the start of our program, we see NXT GM Ava and Trick Williams backstage. She reiterates to Williams he must be impartial and not let his beef with Page get in the way. Trick takes a moment to show off his custom designer ref shirt.

NXT No Mercy Begins!

Our pre-show wraps up, with the panel hosts sending us to one last package ahead of our show!

NXT No Mercy Live Results (Sept. 1, 2024) - Ball Arena - Denver, CO

Welcome to Denver!

Finally...a PLE has come BACK...to Denver! Booker T and Vic Joseph hype up the crowd, reminding us this the first PLE/PPV in Denver in twenty years. We get straight to our first match, no time to dilly dally!

NXT Tag Team Championship Rematch: Chase U(c) vs Axiom & Nathan Frazer

Axiom & Frazer are out first to a mix of boos and cheers. Chase U is out next to a bigger mix of cheers and boos. The crowd seems pretty for/against both teams. Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, et al. accompany Ridge Holland & Andre Chase to the ring. Ridge Holland & Andre Chase will represent Chase U. I swear to god, I'm gonna call them "Duke U" at some point tonight. We get our official announcements. The challengers get a bigger pop, whereas Chase U gets the heel's boos during the announcements. I guess they made up their mind! We get our bell at 7:08pm! Andre Chase starts us off with Nathan Frazer. Commentary (Vic Joseph & Booker T) suspect something may be amiss, as Ridge Holland is in Duke Hudson's place. Anywho. The challengers contain Chase for a few moments. Ridge Holland gets the tag and clears house, using an ankle lock spin for a few impressive moments. Andre Chase tags back in and the challengers immediately begin using quick tags and high-speed strikes to lay him out. Stereo superkicks nearly take Chase out. Axiom finally begins to use working holds, focusing on Chase's neck to slow the pace. Chase breaks the hold by charging back into the corner. Axiom slaps on an ankle lock but Chase manages to escape out. Both men connect with a clothesline and both are down. Both Superstars make the tag to their respective partners. Ridge cleans house with belly-to-belly suplexes and charging strikes. Frazer eats a huge modified DDT slam for a close cover. Holland drags Frazer to his feet and looks for a Lawn Dart, but Frazer wiggles free and tags in Axiom. Axiom looks for a crossbody off the top but is caught by Holland. Holland pops him up and hits a huge modified vertical powerslam! Holland climbs the turnbuckles and dives off, barely connecting with a form of a headbutt splash. Frazer flies through the air to make the save!

Frazer & Axiom double-team Holland to gain control, utilizing quick tags once again. Chase comes in and the challengers look for a Spanish Fly. Holland makes the save. Frazer is accidentally dropped by Axiom. Chase suddenly hulks up and hits a Spanish Fly off the top rope for a huge pop. Perfectly executed, impressive! Chase pops up and immediately hits a sit-out powerbomb for a damn-near win. The crowd rips off its first loud "NXT" chant of the night in gratitude. Ridge Holland tags in and begins to demolish Axiom with clubbing blows and painful chops that get the crowd woo'ing in tandem. Axiom catches Ridge with a Superkick under the jaw, sending him rolling out of the ring. Axiom immediately dives out the ring, wiping out Chase. Frazer looks to suicide dive on Holland but Ridge catches him by the neck. Axiom looks to come to the save but Holland grabs him by the neck, too, and threatens a double chokeslam. They escape and take the action back inside. Axiom is now legal and hits a Frog Splash on Chase. Frazer hits a top rope press attack on Chase and covers as commentary suddenly question who the heck is legal.

We assume Chase and Frazer are legal at this point. Frazer with a springboard attack but Chase counters with a boot. Frazer fires off a step-up Enziguri in retaliation but eats a spinning back-fist from Chase! Chase tags in Holland and they hit the Doomsday Device on Frazer! The champs cover but only get two! Holland hits a Buckle Bomb-into-a-high kick from Chase in the corner, and Frazer is down! Axiom flies into the ring to try to make the save and all four men collide, all four are down! The crowd pops again. Chaos ensues and the ref gives our Superstars a lot of latitude with tags. Confusion inevitably ensues as all four men take turns hitting moves on each other. Axiom accidentally hits the Golden Ratio--I believe they called it that--on Frazer, taking out his own partner! Holland capitalizes on this and devastates Axiom with a huge bomb, covering for a two! The crowd is alive as Axiom shocks by kicking out. Frazer recovers and gets back into the fight, taking Holland down outside. Axiom uses the distraction to try an inside cradle on Chase, but Chase kicks out. Axiom and Chase battle at the top, with Axiom hitting the Spanish Fly off the top. Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash off the opposite corner. They cover and pick up the straps yet again at 7:22pm!
Your Winners AND NEW Tag Team Champions, Axiom & Nathan Frazer! (14 Minutes)

After the Match: Violent Incident Reported at Chase University

The crowd gives our Superstars a big standing ovation. The champs leave and Chase U console each other. As they start to leave, Ridge Holland snaps and begins destroying all of Chase U. The crowd boos loudly as he takes out Duke Hudson first, then Riley, then turns his attention to Andre Chase. Holland takes him down in the ring, then takes him outside and hits a butterfly DDT right on the commentary table to more loud boos. Holland stalks the area as medics bring down a stretcher for Andre Chase. The boos are loudly replaced by a "one more time" chant, haha. God damn potheads.

Halloween Havoc Announcement

We're informed that this year's Halloween Havoc will be an actual PLE, airing from Hershey, PA on Sunday 27 October.

Singles Match: Wes Lee vs TNA's X-Division Champion Zach Wentz

We get a video package hyping this match before the newly-crowned X-Division Champion of TNA Wrestling, Zach Wentz, makes his way out at 7:35pm. Wes Lee is out next. Both men get an okay reaction from the Denver crowd. We get our bell at 7:38pm. Lee strikes first before both men kick up the speed and start a lengthy series of move-and-countermove. Both look for pins within the opening moments. Lee looks for a double-stomp but can't connect. We're reminded repeatedly by commentary that these two have worked together for a lengthy period, and thus know each other very well. The two battle inside the ring and out, where Wes Lee finally gets control after taking out Wentz's knee as he stood on the apron. Lee takes his time, using slow, soft kicks to gently batter Zach at first. Zach fights to his feet and the two trade blows. Lee drops Zach across the apron hard, then takes the action back inside.

Wentz and Lee exchange very brief periods in control again until Lee gets his opponent in the corner, connecting with a dropkick to the back of Wentz's neck. Lee begins to use working holds to focus on Wentz's left shoulder and elbow. The pace slows down significantly at this point. Wentz tries to power to his feet, but Lee uses a wristlock to stop him. Both men begin to exchange rights and kicks as the crowd boo/yay's in unison. Zach creates some separation with a big jumping knee that drops Wes. Wentz starts his comeback sequences, dropping Lee twice before firing off a few chest slaps. Wentz with a snap German Suplex on Lee, sending him into the corner. Wentz with a jumping knee strike again, followed by a running punt kick to Lee's chest. Wentz sends Lee outside and follows, using another running punt kick to drop Lee. Wentz sizes up Wes then hits a middle-rope springboard corkscrew attack to drop Lee at ringside to a mild pop.

Wentz climbs the turnbuckles as the crowd rips off a light "TNA" chant. Went hits a diving attack and covers for a two. Wentz looks for a half and half but Lee counters with a roll-up for a quick two. Wentz counters a Meteora attempt into a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring! The crowd pops big for this. Lee attempts to reach the ropes and Wentz drags him back to the middle of the ring! Lee eventually manages to twist his body, mule-kicking Wentz off to gain some separation. Wentz closes the distance quick and the two battle in the corner. Lee drops Wentz and hits a springboard assault for a close cover of his own. Lee with his springboard Cardiac Kick for another close fall! Commentary are shocked that was only a two and accuse the ref of fixing the match with a slow count. The crowd chants "Wes Lee sucks." Lee pulls Wentz up and slugs him back down. Lee takes his time, almost taunting his former tag team partner. Wentz ducks under a whip-rebound boot and hits a Meteora that sends Wes Lee flying to the outside.

Wentz pursues but Wes Lee recovers first, taking advantage and striking. Lee beats Wentz outside the ring and positions him against the steel steps. Lee charges, looking to connect with a running knee strike. Wentz moves and Lee knees the steel steps, hard. Commentary inform us the ref is giving our competitors some lateral with count-outs due to their personal rivalry. Lee puts Wentz through the table, then climbs back into the ring. Wes Lee climbs up to the top turnbuckle and dives off, hitting a massive double-foot stomp to Wentz on the floor! The crowd roars for this. Lee sends Wentz's face into the ring post. Commentary question when the ref will step in as it appears Wentz is defenseless. Wes Lee goes and gets a steel chair and threatens to hit Wentz with it. Trey Miguel snatches the chair away, distracting Lee! Wentz hits a Canadian Destroyer on Lee! Wentz takes it into the ring and hits a Coda or a Code of Honor (I couldn't make the name out) and picks up the win at 7:51pm!
Your Winner, Zachary Wentz! (14 Minutes)

NXT Women's North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan(c) vs Wendy Choo

We see Joe Hendry and Trick Williams backstage, in which Trick reminds Joe that Williams will call it down the middle. Hendry promises Trick a title shot if he wins tonight. Wendy Choo is out first, using updated makeup and a muted persona. Kelani Jordan is out next to a decent pop. We get our bell at 8:01pm. Jordan and Choo start off showcasing athleticism in a series of moves and dodges. Choo uses an armbar to send Jordan to the mat, then the two lock up again. Choo looks for an early cover for barely a one. Choo maintains a lock on Jordan's hands, working her wrists for several long moments. Jordan with a standing Frankensteiner to send Choo outside the ring. Jordan with a corkscrew springboard to Choo outside the ring. Jordan takes it back into the ring and threatens a split-legged Moonsault, but Choo rolls out of the way.

Choo and Jordan again jockey for control of the match. Jordan looks for a cover but no joy. Jordan starts to climb the turnbuckles but Choo begins to battle her in the corner. Choo gets Jordan's feet tied up in the top turnbuckle's ropes and hits a running shotgun dropkick to the vulnerable Jordan. Choo takes her back inside and slows the pace. Choo begins to focus her attacks on Jordan's neck. Choo uses a modified slingshot Flatliner for a close cover. Jordan counters a suplex attempt with a roll-up for two. Choo immediately lays into Jordan once again, battering her into the corner and out of it. Choo continues to dominate for the next several minutes. Jordan finally shows signs of life. Jordan performs multiple somersault-based strikes and moves right as Booker T questions if the elevation in Denver will impact the Superstars' stamina. Jordan strings together several moves. Modified Enziguri, followed by a DDT, leads to a close cover by the champ. Jordan stomps away as commentary questions if Wendy Choo is possessed. Jordan with a 5-Star Frog Splash off the top for another close cover!

Choo rolls to the outside. Jordan heads to the apron and looks for a springboard, but Choo rips her legs out from under her and sends her crashing to the floor. Choo begins to rally, taking it back into the ring and hitting a Powerbomb for a close cover. Choo begins to show frustration. Choo looks for a clutch hold but Jordan uses the ropes to escape. Jordan uses the ropes to assist with a backpack stunner. Jordan climbs the turnbuckles but is too slow, and Choo runs over to chop her. Choo climbs up and both Superstars battle on the middle turnbuckles/ropes. Jordan sends Choo down, but Choo pops back up and runs up the turnbuckles. Both women fly to the canvas hard. Choo looks for the clutch lock once again. Jordan can't get to the ropes. Jordan cinches her legs around Jordan's waist and keeps the clutch locked in. The ref checks Jordan's arm. Jordan starts to rally as the crowd does, too. Jordan escapes. Choo chases her to the corner but Jordan fights her off. Jordan with a big chop followed by a Flatliner. Jordan climbs the turnbuckles again and hits a 450! She goes back up once more and hits her split-legged Moonsault to pick up the win at 8:15pm!
Your Winner AND STILL Women's NXT North American Champion, Kelani Jordan! (14 Minutes)

After the Match + Chase U Update

Tatum Paxley attacks Choo from behind, choking her out before posing over Choo's body (and a doll positioned on a pillow beside Choo). We see clips from Ridge Holland turning on Chase U earlier, including Chase being taken by ambulance out of the arena. Thoughts and Prayers for Andre Chase, Denver General is the closest hospital and I wouldn't wish that place on anyone. Backstage, reporters catch up with Ridge Holland to ask why he did what he did. He just walks off.

NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi(c) vs Tony D'Angelo

Tony D'Angelo and the D'Angelo Family come out en-masse first for our next title match. Our very popular North American champ is out next. Vic Joseph informs us Oba Femi has had 21 televised matches in NXT. We get the bell at 8:24pm and both men lock up. Femi easily overpowers the Don of NXT at first...until D'Angelo gets mad. Tony with a football tackle and pound! The action spills outside briefly before going right back inside, where Tony D uses several rope-assisted strikes to rock the champ. A few German Suplexes help the challenger send Oba Femi outside the ring. Oba enters and Tony looks for a rear waistlock but Femi escapes. Femi and D'Angelo continue to struggle for control of the match. D'Angelo is accidentally low-blowed, and the ref verifies this, so the action will continue. Femi looks for an early cover for an easy two. Femi continues to maintain control, battering D'Angelo into the corner and out. Tony gains some separation with a snap suplex.

Tony D charges Oba in the corner but Femi shuts it down with a suplex driver. Femi sets up D'Angelo in the corner and hits a huge running shoulder thrust. Femi continues to work over the challenger as commentary blabber on. Femi continues to focus on D'Angelo's ankle, which commentary has spectated was rolled earlier in the match. Femi hits a huge kick under the jaw and follows it up with a bruising slam for a close two. D'Angelo rises and begins to fight back, rocking the champ with big rights. Femi and D'Angelo pick up the pace and battle in the corner before spilling to the outside. D'Angelo takes control again, briefly, but Oba Femi bounces back insanely fast. Femi eats a big belly-to-belly from Tony D. Both men face off in the middle of the ring, slugging it out as we begin our build towards the finish. Belly to belly from Tony D to the champ! Tony with a fisherman's suplex for a close cover. D'Angelo hits a wicked Powerslam on the champ. D'Angelo hoists Femi up on his shoulders in an impressive display of power, before hitting an Electric Drop for a near fall!

Oba Femi heads outside the ring and gets in the face of the D'Angelo Family. He retrieves a crowbar from somewhere then begins wiping out the family one-by-one. Tony D dodges a charging shoulder from the champ and sends it back inside. D'Angelo with a spear outta nowhere for a close cover! Femi recovers and hits a huge modified bomb on D'Angelo. Oba Femi looks for another Powerbomb but D'Angelo escapes and this action spills outside. Femi takes it back inside and hits another Powerbomb, covering. The Don kicks out! Femi's in shock! Commentary's at a loss for words, yet still somehow manages to verbally vomit in my ears. Femi goes for another Powerbomb but D'Angelo floats out! D'Angelo counters a charging Femi into a sidewalk! Femi catches him with a charging elbow! Oba Femi hits another Powerbomb, then another, and finally puts this away at 8:38pm!
Your Winner AND STILL NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi!

NXT Women's Championship Match: Roxanne Perez(c) vs Jaida Parker

Jaida Parker makes her entrance first at 8:49pm, talking to the camera and threatening Perez as she gets a special long-shot entrance, from the back of the arena out to the ring. She gets one of the better pops of the night, thus far. Out next, at 8:51pm, is Roxanne Perez to a boo-heavy crowd reaction. We get official introductions ahead of the bell at 8:53pm. Thus far, every match has been 14 minutes. We shall see. Oh, we shall see. Both women circle and attempt to lock up before Perez breaks it. The champ looks for an easy takedown and cover but no joy. Perez with a side headlock takedown to Parker, then wrenches the neck while keeping her pinned for a few moments. Parker uses her legs to apply a headlock of her own, forcing Perez to break. "The Prodigy" Perez engages in a quick sequence with Parker, with each woman answering the other's show of strength. Perez slaps Parker to a loud gasp from the audience. Parker smacks Perez back, then begins to chain several strikes and drops together.

Parker's right ribs are taped up, and when she lifts Perez up into a crossbody carry, she winces in pain. Perez quickly rolls outside the ring, giving herself a breather--but only for a moment. Parker chases her outside, and the two lead it back into the ring. Parker with a stiff shoulder, dropping the charging champion. Parker with a big suplex that sends Perez rolling out of the ring, then grabs her ribs, favoring them. Perez recovers and pulls Parker out of the ring. Perez streaks across the ring and hits a suicide dive attempt. Parker catches Perez on her shoulders and carries her around the ringside area. Perez wiggles free and sends Parker's injured ribs into the steel steps, twice. Perez rolls in the ring and out to break the countout, then begins to torture Parker at the ringside area. Perez pushes her boot into Parker's shoulders and wrenches her arms back as the challenger screams in pain. Perez rolls back into the ring and waits. Parker follows and is immediately attacked by Perez. Perez uses stomps to target Parker's ribs, and the challenger again screams in pain. Double-foot stomp from the champ to Parker's injured ribs! Perez covers for a quick two.

Parker eventually starts to swing wildly, connecting with the champ. Parker can't chain together more moves, and the champ sends Parker flying out the ring with a dropkick. Perez sends Parker's face into the steel ring post, then uses the corner connectors to stretch Parker's abdomen painfully across them. Perez applies an abdominal stretch to Parker, wearing down the injured ribs as best she can. Perez strikes Parker's ribs repeatedly, then reapplies the stretch hold. Parker somehow just slips free and looks for a side hip toss but can't pull it off due to her ribs. The crowd is loudly on their feet now. Parker begins to fight back, rocking the champ with a big right. Parker and Perez battle into the corner, with the champ taking control again. Perez again focuses on Parker's ribs. Parker weathers through it and, after what seems like an eternity, begins to finally get her own offensive streak in. Parker looks for a cover after a huge slam but only picks up a two. Parker's ribs factor in heavily, as it prevents her from doing multiple powerhouse moves. Twice Parker looks for a big side slam but can't hoist up Perez. Parker unloads on the champ with blows out of frustration.

The crowd really starts to get hot as Parker and Perez exchange blows and moves at a fast pace. Parker with a near-fall off a modified slam. Perez counters a swing into a submission attempt and the crowd is absolutely on fire for the biggest time tonight. Parker powers to her feet and breaks the hold as the crowd roars! Both women unload on each other again, with Parker nailing the champ with a huge running strike that sends Perez tumbling outside! Parker exits and charges Perez, but Perez doges and Parker crashes through the barricade! Huge "holy shit" chant from the crowd Perez hits Pop-Rox on the barricade wall! Both women are down and the crowd loudly chants along with the ref's count-out. They both hit the ring just in time. Perez immediately hits Pop-Rox once again and picks up the win in what is clearly the match of the night thus far! Pin-fall victory at 9:08pm. With this win, only Asuka has more PLE wins in NXT than Perez.
Your Winner AND STILL Women's NXT Champion, Roxanne Perez! (14 Minutes)

After the Match: Giulia Has Arrived in NXT!

Roxane Perez barely has time to celebrate before the lights dim and music kicks up. Out comes Giulia to a massive pop! The crowd loudly roars and cheers for Giulia as she and Perez stare each other down. We fade to a commercial for the inaugural WWE Speed Women's Tournament, this Wednesday.

NXT Championship Main Event Match: Ethan Page(c) vs TNA Wrestling's Joe Henry (Ref: Trick Williams)

Our special guest referee, Trick Williams, is out first to a VERY loud "Whoop that Trick" from the Denver crowd. He takes time to soak it up, justifiably so. Out next is our challenger, Joe Hendry, and the Ball Arena sings him all the way down to the ring! He struts confidently around the ring before entering, soaking up the praise as well. And out last, but not least, is the champ--"All Ego" Ethan Page. He gets the special long-shot entrance to a loud chorus of boos. We get our official announcements, then our bell at 9:27pm. The crowd rips off a loud "we believe! We believe!" chant followed by another Trick chant. Ethan Page argues with the ref to start us off. Finally both men lock up and we're off! The two push into the corner and Trick calls for the break. They again lock up, and again push into the corner, and again it's broken up. Hendry takes Page down with a side lock to a big pop. They lock up again, both attempting wrist locks, before breaking again to another pop. Hendry takes Page down to the canvas and uses an arm hold to briefly control. The first couple of minutes sees both men constantly battling for control.

Ethan Page looks for a big gut kick, and Hendry fires back with a shot of his own that drops the champ. Hendry with a long, stalling suplex. He holds Page upside down for nearly twenty seconds before driving him into the canvas. Hendry covers for a two count. Page begins to fight back, throwing big rights. The winner of this match will defend the title at the CW NXT premiere in October. Page drops Hendry and takes a cheap shot, causing the crowd to loudly boo for several moments. "Ethan Sucks" chants breakout throughout the arena as he unloads on the challenger. The champ's getting decent heat, good for him. Hendry attempts to fight back with a big shot but Page charges him into the corner and begins to shoulder-thrust his ribs. Page drops the challenger with a back elbow strike off a whip rebound. Page with a headlock on the mat, slowing the pace. Page looks for a submission but Hendry powers out of it with a huge suplex to a big pop. The crowd is definitely hot for this--both of our top title matches have the crowd alive tonight.

Page looks for a cover off a suplex but only gets two; he tries to argue with the ref, Trick. The crowd very loudly chants "put some clothes on," referencing Joe Hendry's recent song taking a dig at the champ. Page takes Hendry to the top turnbuckle and looks for a Superplex. Hendry fights ut of it and threatens a Super Chokeslam! Page blocks it with elbows and looks for a modified move of his own, hitting a Super Powerslam off the top rope! Page covers for two. The crowd stays on fire throughout this match, loudly chanting "Whoop that Trick" now. Hendry catches Page slow climbing the turnbuckles and takes him down to the canvas the hard way. Page rolls out of the ring as Hendry begins to rally. Hendry streaks over and leaps over the top rope, side saddle style, and hits a leg drop to the champ! The crowd rips off another "we believe" chant that rocks the rafters. Page starts to fight back and hits an Ego's Edge onto the edge of the apron! Page rolls into the ring as the ref begins to count out. Page begs Trick Williams to count faster! Hendry struggles to get to his feet, faltering at 7. Hendry barely rolls in right at ten, and Page immediately locks the head for a ground-and-pound session.

Page hits another Ego's Edge, but can't put away Hendry. Hendry recovers, blocking another attempt, and hits an Ego's Edge of his own for a close cover. The crowd, again, loudly chanting that they believe in Joe. Hendry with a forearm strike. Page fires back with a fist; Hendry with a fist of his own in reply. They begin to exchange blows back and forth as the crowd eats it all up. Hendry takes the advantage and whips Page into the ropes, dropping him with two clotheslines and a Fallaway Slam! Hendry kips up to a huge pop. The crowd begins a loud "we be-lieve" chant with the stomp-stomp-clap from Queen's "We Will Rock You." Hendry hits a driver and covers for what he thinks is three, but is only two. Hendry argues with Trick, but Williams explains that Page's foot was under the bottom rope. Page shoves Hendry into Williams, knocking the ref outside. Ego hits his Standing Ovation finisher and a new ref streaks down, counting to two. Hendry gets the shoulder up just in time!

Page gets his title and looks to use it as a weapon. Hendry rolls Page up instead, nearly picking up the win! Hendry reaches down to get hte belt but Page uses the opportunity to DDT him right on top of the belt! The ref covers to count the one, two, thr--no! Williams hits the ring and stops the count! Page takes a swing at Williams, who ducks. Page wipes out the second ref! Williams is shocked, and is out of position. Page hits a low-blow to Hendry, and the crowd loudly gasps. Williams didn't see it, though, so Page hits his finisher and covers. Williams calls it right down the middle, as he said he would, and Page picks up the win at 9:43pm!
Your Winner AND STILL NXT Champion, "All Ego" Ethan Page! (16 Minutes)

After the Match

Page smirks at Trick Williams, forcing him to raise the champ's hand in victory. Pete "the Butcherweight" Dunne appears and attacks Trick Williams from behind. We fade to black.

Coming This Tuesday on NXT

Gallus vs the Rascals vs Hank & Tank in a tag team #1 contender's match. Oro Mensah vs Lexis King. Trick Williams vs Pete Dunne.

In Closing

Thanks, everyone, for joining us for tonight's NXT No Mercy premium live event! We appreciate each and every one of you for spending a little quality time with us this holiday weekend. Y'all stay safe out there and have a HAPPY LABOR DAY!

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