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This week’s episode starts off with a recap of last week - Mike Santana’s Gauntlet Match against The Northern Armory, the issues between Jordynne Grace and Tesha Blanchard, and the tensions that have been building between Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth as they get closer to their World Title clash at TNA Genesis.
Frankie Kazarian’s music hits to start things off and he joins the commentary booth.
Leon Slater vs. Trent Seven
They circle and lock up. Trent Seven is quick to grab an arm and crank it, but Leon Slater works out of it and hits a big kick. Slater uses his quickness to avoid Seven and dances to celebrate. Slater sends Seven to the outside with a strike and goes for a big dive. Seven gets on the apron, though, so Slater hits a running kick - sending Seven back to the floor. Slater jumps over the ropes, but Seven avoids him. Slater lands on his feet on the floor. Seven grabs Slater and hits a Snap Dragon Suplex on the floor. Seven gets back in the ring as Slater is slow to get up. The referee starts her count.
Slater barely beats the count. Seven is slow to go back on the attack and gets rolled up a couple of times, kicking out at two both times. Slater then uses his speed to avoid some strikes. He hits a running boot for a two count. Both men are slow to get up.
Once they both get up, Slater hits a corner-to-corner running boot and lifts Seven up onto the ropes. Slater climbs up, as well, but Seven reverses it into a second rope scoop slam for a two count. Both men are slow to get up and kick at each other while down on the mat. Seven gains control with some punches and then hits Bop and Bang once they get to their feet. Seven hits the Seven Star Lariat and a twisting piledriver for a two count.
Seven goes for the Birminghammer, but Slater wiggles out and gets a two count on a backslide. Seven gets in a quick strike and hits the Birminghammer for a two count. Seven steps on Slater’s hand as they both get to their feet and hits Slater with a series of chops. Slater tries to fight back, but Seven cracks Slater’s fingers. Slater shakes it off quickly, though, and hits a running kick on Seven. Seven rolls to the outside ramp.
Slater goes to the outside, as well. Seven hits a strike and lifts Slater up. Slater reverses it into a DDT. Seven rolls off the ramp and to the floor next to the ring. Slater dives from the ramp, over a portion of the fans, and onto Seven. He rolls Seven into the ring and hits the Swanton 450 for the win!
Winner: Leon Slater
After the match, Trent Seven shows respect to Leon Slater, bowing to him as he walks up the ramp. With Slater focusing on Seven, Frankie Kazarian gets into the ring and almost attacks Slater from behind, but Slater sees him at the last second and Kazarian begs off.
A Joe Hendry video package airs. He talks about his love for professional wrestling and the ups and downs in his career. Hendry talks about always getting back up after getting knocked down. However, he knows he doesn’t have an unlimited number of tries. Hendry knows he has to succeed in this second chance after losing at Bound for Glory. Trust him - at the end of Genesis, everyone will be chanting “We Believe!”
The Personal Concierge comes out for the Pre-Launch Championship Celebration by Elegance. He brings out the future TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions…Ash and Heather by Elegance. The Personal Concierge has spared no expense on this celebration. The Elegances have been shining so bright, but they’ll shine even brighter with some gold - the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships. He then reveals life-size cutouts of The Elegances wearing the titles. The Elegances love the gesture.
Ash takes the mic and feels so honored to be one of the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions. She wants to thank some little people - her hair, makeup, and nail people. She also thanks her doctors for the Botox and veneers. She thanks her favorite barista. Lastly, Ash thanks The Personal Concierge and so many tears are shed. Heather can’t believe all of this. She hasn’t been in TNA for a whole year yet. Thanks to Ash and the Elegance Brand, she’s one half of the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions.
Spitfire comes out to the ramp. Dani Luna can’t believe The Elegances are already celebrating. Spitfire gets into the ring. Jody Threat says that The Elegances are just Barbies who can’t keep up with the real wrestlers. There is no chance Spitfire loses at Genesis.
Ash says that Spitfire belongs on the clearance rack and don’t deserve the titles. Spitfire attacks The Elegances and sends them to the outside. Spitfire then destroy the cutouts of The Elegances.
Gia Miller is in the back with Sami Callihan and PCO. If Sami and PCO win tonight against The Hardys, they join the tag title match at Genesis. PCO yells in monster language. Sami Callihan translates and says that they are taking on the greatest tag team in wrestling history in The Hardys. There will be chaos and unpredictability. Sami and PCO are going to Genesis. PCO speaks in monster again to close out the interview. Sami translates and says that PCO said Gia was very professional.
A commercial airs next week’s live iMPACT!
Eric Young & Steve Maclin vs. First Class
Just before the match starts, it is announced that Steve Maclin and Eric Young will take on The System at Genesis.
Judd Lormund from SEAL Team is sitting ringside.
KC Navarro and Eric Young start things off. Young goes to lock up, but Navarro ducks under it and taunts Young. He ducks under another lock up attempt from Young and goes behind. Navarro slaps Young’s head. Young isn’t happy. Young gets behind Navarro and slaps him. Steve Maclin tags in.
Maclin and Young double team Navarro, taking turns with strikes for a two count. Maclin hits Navarro with some chops in the corner. Navarro fights out of it and hits the ropes. Maclin tackles him down. Navarro is recovering in the corner with his back to Maclin. Maclin runs at Navarro’s back and then follows it up with several clubbing shots to the back. Maclin sends Navarro to the outside and hits the ropes to gain momentum for a dive. AJ Francis holds the ropes open, though, and Maclin falls to the outside. Navarro hits a dive on Maclin as Francis tags in.
Francis brings Maclin into the ring and works him over in the corner. Francis hits Tennessee Whiskey as Navarro tags in. Navarro hits the 305 for a two count. Francis tags in and First Class double team Maclin. Francis slams Navarro down on Maclin. Francis chokes Maclin on the middle rope. First Class threaten Judd Lormand, allowing Maclin to recover and hit the Olympic Slam on Francis. Young tags in. Navarro tags in.
Young hits a DVD on Navarro for a two count. Young slams down Navarro and climbs to the top rope. Navarro takes Young’s feet out and climbs to the top, as well. Francis tries to help, but Maclin hits a Busaiku Knee on him. Francis rolls to the outside and Maclin hits him with a dive. Young drops Navarro from the top and hits a flying elbow for the win!
Winners: Steve Maclin and Eric Young
After the match, The System comes to the ramp and smack talk Steve Maclin and Eric Young from a distance.
Masha Slamovich’s appearance on NXT is shown.
Rosemary and Masha Slamovich have their confessional. They talk about their sins. Rosemary says it’s been a long time, seven years, since she held the TNA Knockouts World Title and she’ll do anything to get it back. Everything that has been given to Slamovich used to belong to her. Slamovich says that only Rosemary took things away from herself. Rosemary wants Slamovich to know that she is stepping into the Clockwork Orange House of Fun with the most dangerous Knockout in TNA history. Slamovich says that she knows what she’s getting into and they’re either going to touch the sky or drag Rosemary to hell with her.
Footage from Prestige Wrestling is shown from a recent show where Mike Santana was attacked by The Northern Armory.
The Northern Armory comes to the ring. Josh Alexander has some unfortunate news - Mike Santana is hurt and won’t be able to wrestle at Genesis. Alexander feels so bad. Mike Santana’s music hits and he comes out through the crowd. He doesn’t believe that Alexander truly knows him. If Alexander knew him, then he’d know that as long as Santana is breathing - he won’t quit. He went through The System and The Northern Armory by himself because he doesn’t quit. The match at Genesis is on and it’s an I Quit Match.
Alexander thinks Santana is being too proud. It’ll take a miracle to make Alexander say “I quit.” Believe Alexander - he’s going to teach Santana a lesson and make him realize that his place is at the bottom of the card. Santana is proud of himself for getting Alexander flustered. When he beats Alexander, Santana will be the NEW standard of TNA.
Jake Something vs. Laredo Kid
They circle and lock up. Jake Something immediately throws Laredo Kid to the mat. They lock up again and Something drives Laredo Kid to the ropes. He breaks clean. Laredo Kid hits the ropes and reverses a tackle. Something hits the ropes and tackles Laredo Kid clear over the ropes and onto the ramp.
Laredo Kid gets back in the ring and hits a flurry of strikes. Something shakes it off and hits a huge strike for a two count. Something hits two running clotheslines in the corners and then misses a third. Laredo Kid hits a running strike and then climbs the ropes. He dives off and is met with a hard strike for a two count by Something.
Something clubs down on Laredo Kid’s back a couple of times. Laredo Kid blocks an Irish Whip at first, but then hits a twisting counter off of the ropes on Something. Laredo Kid goes to the top rope, but rolls through a dive when Something moves. Laredo Kid avoids a spear and rolls Something up for a two count. Something catches Laredo Kid and goes for a powerbomb, but Laredo Kid slips out of it. Laredo Kid hits a Canadian Destroyer with a rough landing for a two count. Laredo Kid goes to the top rope, but Something stops his progress and goes to the top, as well. Something hits a Something Bomb from the top rope for the win!
Winner: Jake Something
Ace Austin voices over highlights of his time with Chris Bey as The ABC. He talks about how great it was to team with Bey. He loved being on the same page as his partner and it was special. They worked well because they came together and worked towards a common goal. Austin talks about how Bound for Glory was an amazing moment. However, the next day - Chris Bey got injured and things no longer were about dreams, championships, or wrestling. It was about Bey. Life has become more important than Austin’s career.
Austin talks about managing his time lately - between wrestling, working out, and hanging out with Chris Bey. He’s been lucky to have such a great career so far. Austin is very thankful. Looking at 2025, he knows it has to be all about the X-Division. It’s how both he and Chris Bey started in TNA. The X-Division is the backbone of TNA and Austin grew up idolizing a lot of the X-Division wrestlers. Austin talks about how Moose as the X-Division is just wrong. He doesn’t like how Moose bullies people. Moose isn’t the X-Division. At Genesis, Austin is going to teach Moose what the X-Division is about.
A commercial airs for TNA Genesis.
PCO & Sami Callihan vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy
Before The Hardys’ entrance, PCO and Sami Callihan are in the ring. The lights go out and a 23 video teaser is shown on the screens. It repeatedly says that “23 is just a number.”
If Sami Callihan and PCO win, they join the TNA World Tag Team match at Genesis.
Jeff Hardy and Sami Callihan start things off. They lock up and Callihan breaks it roughly. They shove at each other and Callihan pushes Jeff down. PCO tags in and he goes for a double suplex on Jeff with Callihan. Matt comes in and saves Jeff. All four men square off and start to brawl. The action goes to the outside.
Back from commercial, Matt has control of Callihan in the ring and tags in Jeff. The Hardys hit Poetry in Motion for a two count. Matt tags back in. The Rascalz are shown watching the match backstage.
Callihan drops Matt and tags in PCO. PCO and Matt exchange strikes. Jeff runs in and hits PCO with some strikes. The Hardys hit the ropes, but are hit with a double clothesline by PCO. PCO disposes of Jeff and tags in Callihan. Callihan goes after Matt’s face in the corner and tags in PCO. Callihan uses PCO as a battering ram on Matt.
Matt fights back on PCO, but can’t make it to Jeff for a tag. Callihan tags in and works Matt over in the corner with PCO. Matt gets hit with a double back elbow for a two count. PCO and Callihan try to continue the double team moves, but Matt hits a double DDT and tags in Jeff.
Jeff comes in hot with strikes to both PCO and Callihan. He hits Whisper in the Wind on both men and then gets a two count on Callihan. Matt and PCO start to battle on the outside. Inside the ring, Jeff hits a Twist of Fate. Matt gets in the ring and hits a Twist of Fate on Callihan, as well. Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb for the win!
Winners: The Hardys
Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt talk about Genesis and go over the matches. The Countdown to Genesis will be at 7 PM EST and will be hosted by Busted Open Radio.
Tom Hannifan says that Jordynne Grace vs. Tessa Blanchard at Genesis has been announced, but not signed…yet. With that, Jordynne Grace comes to the commentary table. She leaves the match contract on the table for Blanchard so that she knows where to find it. Grace has signed it, but Blanchard hasn’t. Grace says that she wouldn’t be surprised if Blanchard doesn’t appear at Genesis. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth make their way to the ring for their Face-to-Face meeting. Hendry wants to talk first. He says that they’ve faced each other a lot and have said everything that has been needed to be said - except for one thing. “I have to win this,” Hendry says to Nemeth. Hendry says that a new era starts at Genesis with him lifting the TNA World Championship.
Nemeth knows what the championship means to Hendry. He knows that everyone believes in Hendry. He knows what the TNA World Title means to Hendry, the fans, and everyone in the back. He also knows what it means to BE champion. It’s not about social media, music, or Tweeting. It’s about living as a champion every day - the busy schedule and everyone hunting for the title.
Nemeth shows the clip of Bound for Glory during his match with Hendry. It shows the moment where John Layfield was talking to Hendry outside of the ring before clotheslining Hendry. It also showed when Layfield punched Ryan Nemeth. Nic says that anything that happened in the moment was all John Layfield. Nemeth had nothing to do with it. All Nemeth knows is that his brother got hit. Nemeth didn’t see Layfield and things would have been different if he did.
Hendry wants to know something that doesn’t make sense to him. Before he can ask the question, though, Ryan Nemeth’s music hits. As he makes his way to the ring, he reminds his brother that Hendry is not Nic’s friend. Hendry doesn’t care about anything but himself.
Hendry says that he’s wasted enough time on Ryan. Ryan wants him to say it to his face, so he enters the ring. Nic tries to get in between them, but is shoved to the side. Hendry picks Ryan up for the Standing Ovation, but Nic kicks Hendry to save his brother. Hendry is down on the mat and Nic looks remorseful and unsure of his actions. The Nemeths leave the ring and Ryan is chirping in Nic’s ear the entire time with unwanted advice.
Tessa Blanchard comes to the commentary table and signs the match contract for Genesis. Jordynne Grace runs through the crowd and attacks Blanchard. Grace throws Blanchard into the ring and they scuffle for a moment until Grace gains control and hits the Juggernaut Driver. Grace pushes Blanchard out of the ring and stares down at her as the episode fades to black.