-- Netflix India announced through a YouTube video that WWE programming will be moving to Netflix. While no date was given, presumably it will happen later this year. Current WWE shows air on Sony Max and Sony TEN.
-- TNA champion Joe Hendry was booked for Chris Jericho's cruise last week but shuffled his schedule around to be able to attend WWE's Royal Rumble on Saturday. Hendry's plan was to join the cruise at a later port (Dominican Republic) so that he could be there for the end so he flew from Indianapolis to Miami with the intention of then flying to the DR. However, he did not have the necessary paperwork required to travel by air (that he wouldn't have needed if he was traveling by ship) and despite spending all Sunday trying to work that out, he wasn't able to and missed the cruise. Hendry was scheduled for a Q&A on the cruise and his spot was filled by Toni Storm.