WWE NXT Results - January 7th, 2025 - Los Angeles, CA

NXT's New Years Evil comes to us from Los Angeles, CA - on tonight's card we have Charlie Dempsey and Lexis King go at it to determine who will be The NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Shotzi, Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley take on Fatal Influence, Roxanne Perez defends her NXT Women's Title against Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Kelani Jordan, Cora Jade and Lola Vice all battle in a Fatal Four Way, Trick Williams puts his NXT Title on the line against Eddy Thorpe and Oba Femi and more!

Check back for live results when the show airs on CW at 8/7 C.

Roxanne Perez is shown arriving at the arena, as well, we see Giulia backstage. Eddy Thorpe, Oba Femi, and Trick Williams are shown arriving and The Rock is walking backstage as well.

Match 1 - NXT Women's Championship Match: Roxanne Perez(c) -vs- Giulia
We get the bell and the women lock up and Giulia gets Perez on the mat and keeps slamming her down with snapmares. They lock up again, and this time Perez rolls her up for a two count. Giulia throws Perez in a submission hold and then covers Perez for a two count. Perez slaps Giulia resulting in Giulia headbutting Perez several times. Giulia pounds on Perez in the corner and gets on the top rope and comes down with a missile drop kick on Perez. Double knees to Perez in the corner and then Perez attacks Giulia arm with the ropes.

Back from commercial, Perez and Giulia trade blows in the middle of the ring. Giulia hits Perez with a kick laying her out. Giulia climbs the turnbuckle and Perez joins her and hits a top rope hurricanrana on Giulia and gets a near fall. Perez stomps on Giulia's hand and single outs Giulia's left arm. Giulia hits a suplex and Perez fires back with her own. Both women connect with palm strikes and Giulia starts punching out Perez. Perez suicide dives out onto Giulia and then throws her back in the ring. Perez climbs the turnbuckles and Giulia climbs up with her and hits a double underhook superplex from the top rope sending Perez crashing to the mat. Giulia hits a spinning Michinoku Driver and covers for a two count. Perez hooks Giulia in a cross face and then tries to hit PopRox but instead Giulia is sent outside the ring. Giulia slams Perez outside the ring and the women are down for the count. Cora Jade throws Perez in the ring and Giulia enters too. Perez hits the PopRox and covers but Giulia kicks out. Giulia hits Perez with a kick and hits a Northern Lights Bomb and covers Perez for the win.
Winner and NEW NXT Women's Champion: Giulia

Backstage officials are checking on Eddy Thorpe who is laying on a flight of stairs. Ava Raine pops by and accuses Eddy of crying wolf like he did last time.

We hear from Je'Von Evans after his attack from Ethan Page. Evans says his jaw had to be wired shut and he'll get his revenge.

Match 2 - Fatal Four Way Women's North American Championship No 1 Contenders Match: Stephanie Vaquer -vs Kelani Jordan -vs Cora Jade -vs- Lola Vice
Cora Jade is triple teamed off the bat. Jordan rolls up Vaquer and then tries the same on Vice. Jade breaks up the pins and starts beating on Vice and then on Jordan and covers Jordan until Vaquer breaks the pin. Vaquer slams Jade's head against the mat. Vice comes in and breaks it up and Jordan is able to now send Vice and Vaquer outside the ring. Jordan and Jade fight in the ring and Vice and Vaquer battle outside. Jordan hits a corkscrew suicide dive onto Vice and Jade comes out and takes all three women out and we get a commercial.

Back from break, Vaquer is brutalizing Vice and Jade. Jordan stops Vaquer who takes her down near the turnbuckle. Vaquer hits a meteora on Jade and Vice comes out of nowhere and starts striking Vaquer and Jordan. Fatal Influence is backstage watching this match. Jade is tossed out of the ring by Vice and Vaquer kicks Vice out of the ring. Vaquer hits a high cross body from the top rope and Jordan hits a moonsault to the outside on the three women. In the ring, Jordan hits a high cross body on Vaquer and covers but Vaquer rolls through. Vice tosses Vaquer out of the ring and Jade hits Vice with a kick. Jordan hits an Olympic Slam on Jade. Vaquer tosses Vice out of the ring and hits her finisher on Jordan for the win.
Winner: Stephanie Vaquer

Ava Raine is backstage with The Unholy Union and tells them that they'll have a number one contenders match against the Meta-Girls for the tag titles. Oba Femi comes by and says he hurt Eddy Thorpe, and Ava says it'll still be a triple threat match.

Triple H and Nick Khan are shown in the audience checking out New Years Evil.

Match 3: Fatal Influence (Jazmyn Nyx, Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley) -vs- Shotzi, Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley
Fatal Influence attacks their opponents before the bell rings. The bell rings and Jayne and Paxley start the bout. Paxley throws Jayne around and covers her for a two count. Jayne slams Paxley down and tags in Nyx. Nyx kicks Paxley and covers for a near fall. Shotzi is tagged in and Nyx is triple teamed and Nyx is covered and kicks out immediately. Nyx trips up Shotzi and tags in Henley. Shotzi kicks Henley and suplexes her into the turnbuckle. Shotzi punches Henley who kicks Shotzi to the mat. Henley hits a facebuster and covers for a near fall. All six women get in the ring and start fighting. Shotzi misses a suicide dive outside, Dolin hits a headbutt on Nyx, Jayne takes out Dolin and Paxley takes out Dolin and Henley takes out Paxley and all six women are laid out outside the ring and we get a commercial break.

Back from commercial, Paxley is triple teamed in the ring. Jayne covers for a near fall and slaps Paxley in a headlock. Paxley is able to hit a belly to back suplex on Jayne and is trying to tag out to Dolin. Dolin is tagged in and starts with punches on Jayne. Dolin kicks Jayne clotheslines Jayne and covers for a near fall. Nyx interferes allowing Jayne to kick Dolin down. Henley is tagged in and Dolin hits a double neckbreaker on Henley and Jayne. Shotzi is tagged in and she takes out Henley and covers but is broke up by Nyx and Jayne. Dolin and Paxley take out Jayne and Nyx. Shotzi hits a senton and covers Henley for the win.
Winners: Shotzi, Gigi Dolin, and Tatum Paxley

Backstage, Ava scolds Ethan Page for breaking Je'Von Evans' jaw. Page is also pissed he's not featured on New Years Evil. Ava says this is her show and what she says will happen. The Rock comes by and talks to Page about breaking Evans' jaw and Cedric Alexander's fingers. The Rock tells Page that he's the final boss but on NXT Ava is the final boss. He tells Page that Ava and Page need to be on good terms. Page leaves and The Rock asks Ava for advice as to what to say to the NXT crowd.

Match 4 - Heritage Cup Championship Sudden Death Match: Charlie Dempsey(c) w/No Quarter Catch Crew -vs- Lexis King
Dempsey goes for King's arm off the bell. King is able to drop kick Dempsey and places him in a headlock on the mat. Dempsey counters out and starts on King's arm again. The men go back and forth with arm holds until Dempsey gets him down and tries to cover for a pin. King rolls up Dempsey for a quick cover but Dempsey kicks out. King now has Dempsey in an arm bar. Dempsey gets King in the corner and King chops Dempsey. Dempsey fires back with punches and elbows. Dempsey is sent over the ropes and King drop kicks Dempsey onto Borne and Heights. King throws himself over the ropes onto the three men and we get a commercial break.

Back from break, King and Dempsey trade chops in the ring. King fires some elbows to Dempsey and takes him down with a shoulder check. King pummels Dempsey in the corner and hits a Northern Lights Suplex and covers for a near fall. Dempsey quickly counters and gets King in a submission hold. Dempsey kicks King in the face and walks into a power slam. King covers Dempsey for a two count and then gets on the top rope. King hits Dempsey with a cross body and Dempsey rolls through and gets King in an arm bar. King powers out and powerbombs Dempsey and covers for a near fall. Dempsey gets King in another submission and King gets to the ropes so Dempsey just starts punching out King. King and Dempsey collide in the ring and they're both laid out. Dempsey backslides King for a pin and King kicks out. Dempsey tries a leapfrog and King slams right into Dempsey's crotch. King hits The Coronation and covers Dempsey for the win.
Winner and NEW NXT Heritage Cup Champion: Lexis King

Ava talks with Fallon Henley and Stephanie Vaquer. She tells Henley Vaquer is the number one contender. Shotzi rolls in and says since she pinned Henley she is the number one contender. Ava issues a match pitting Vaquer and Shotzi against each other next week.

Match 5 - NXT Championship Match: Trick Williams(c) -vs- Oba Femi -vs- Eddy Thorpe
Eddy Thorpe doesn't come out for the match since he was beaten down by Femi pre match so it's just Femi and Williams. The bell rings and Femi slams Williams in the corner and Williams uses his quickness to evade Femi. Femi slams Williams to the mat and Williams slams Femi who rolls out of the ring and we cut to commercial.

Back from break, Williams is laid out as Femi circles him and then puts him in a headlock. We see Eddy Thorpe making his way to the ring with a chair backstage. Williams gets on the top rope and Femi punches him and climbs up on the ropes with him. Williams hits a Rock Bottom from the middle rope on Femi and gets a near fall. Williams and Femi punch each other in the middle of the ring and trade punches and kicks. Williams takes down Femi and hits a neckbreaker on Femi and then bodyslams Femi. Williams takes down Femi with a flapjack and goes for the Trick Shot but gets caught and slammed down. Femi goes for a Fall from Grace but Williams counters with a DDT. Williams hits the Trick Shot and covers for a two count. Williams runs into an uppercut by Femi and Femi hits a sit out powerbomb and covers Williams, Thorpe pulls out the ref and breaks the pin. Femi brutalized Thorpe in the ring and hits a spinebuster and squishes Thorpe in the corner. Williams hits a trick shot again on Femi and Femi kicks out. Williams goes for a Trickshot and hits Thorpe who clocks Williams with a char at the same time. Femi hits a The Fall from Grace on Williams and covers Williams for the win.
Winner and NEW NXT Champion: Oba Femi

After the match, Giulia and Femi pose on the ramp as the new NXT Champs.

The crowd chants "Rocky" and The Final Boss' music hits and The Rock makes his way to the ring. The Rock talks about having chills all over his body for being at NXT. Rocky chants start again and The Rock says he's getting emotional. He says he has six minutes and it'll be the best six minutes. He talks about the nicknames he's had in the past and says this time last year everywhere he went he heard the same thing... "Why are you being mean to Cody" and a year later on RAW's premiere on Netflix he gave props to Cody and now he's hearing "You can't be nice to Cody." At the end of the day, The Rock is the final boss so people should shut their mouths and enjoy the ride. He says he knew he would be here a couple weeks ago but he didn't know what to say and like Ava said backstage he is going to feel this crowd. He says he has something important to say, and that's "Thank you" because NXT events are the events you want to go to to. He says it's easy to go to RAW where all the stars are who are on the main roster but NXT is the place where the guys and girls backstage work their asses off and it depends on how the crowd reacts. He says they all depend on the crowd and the crowd matters more than anything. He tells NXT he loves NXT and the show comes to an end.