WWE NXT Results - November 6, 2024 - Philadelphia, PA (2300 Arena)

Tonight, WWE NXT airs a special episode live from the 2300 Arena (formerly ECW Arena) in Philadelphia, PA. Below is what's on tap for the show:

  • Bubba Ray Dudley teams & Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page & Ridge Holland
  • 10 Woman Tag Team Match: Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, Kelani Jordan, Zaria & Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade & Fatal Influence
  • Hardcore Match: Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker (Dawn Marie as the Special Guest Referee)
  • Je’Von Evans vs. Wes Lee

Join us for live coverage beginning at 8PM ET / 5PM PT!

The show opens with the intro video and we see some some sights in and around Philly. We are at the 2300 South Swanson Streeet Arena! We see some clips from earlier today with various stars.

Jaida Parker vs. Lola Vice (Hardcore Match)

Dawn Marie is the special guest referee. Parker begins shoulder blocks before the match even starts, smashing Vice’s face into the turnbuckle. She heads under the ring and pulls out a steel chair as Dawn Marie calls for the bell. Lola dominates early with a backfist into a chair and a series of body blows, while Vice tries to bring a table into play—only for Jaida to stop her with a chair and slide the table back under the ring. Lola slams Vice’s face into the chair and delivers a suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Parker fills the place with chairs, but Lola uses them all to her advantage, hitting a series of suplexes and a brutal DDT into a chair. Both women go down after a lariat exchange, and we head to break.

After the break, both women set up ladders in opposite corners. Jaida climbs and hits a seated senton through the ladder in the corner! On the outside, Vice locks in a sleeper hold, but Jaida breaks free by ramming her into the ring post. Back inside, Vice kicks out of multiple big moves, including a trash can hip attack and a side slam through a chair. In a shocking moment, Jaida pulls a brick from the corner and smashes it into Lola’s face—yet Lola still kicks out! Jaida follows up with a final hip attack to get the pin and win the match. WINNER: Jaida Parker.

We see Ethan Page and Ridge Holland. Page says they are here to ruin tonight's night of nostaglia. Holland says they will be putting their differences aside tonight and they are going to drag Trick Williams down to the lowest point in his career. Page says tonight there won't be any monuments, statues, fairy tale endings and especially no tables.

Backstage, we see Kelani Jordan stetching and RVD is next to her. He says he's impressed with her balance and focus. He says tonight she has the big ten woman tag match and next week, she gets her North American title rematch. Jordan thanks RVD and points him to Ava's office. After she leaves, the camera is knocked down and we see that Wes Lee has beat up RVD with a steel chair.

Earlier today, we see a meeting between Nunzio and Tony D'Angelo and The Family. Nunzio is alongside Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen who then leave. Nunzio says Tony didn't call him back and they announce that next week Ava has confirmed Rizzo vs. Nikita Lyons next week. Nunzio then reveals that tonight the NXT North American Championship will be defended against him. Tony asks him if he really wants to do that and Nunzio says he's positive.

Je’Von Evans vs. Wes Lee

Evans starts with a side headlock and a shoulder tackle, but Lee stays on his feet. Lee counters with a handstand head scissors, with Evans landing on his feet. Evans then lands on his feet after a hip toss, and Lee blocks a cutter attempt before hitting a forearm. Evans answers with a rollup for a near fall. Evans follows up with a slingshot head scissors takedown and a thrust kick. He goes to the floor but lands on his feet after a pescado. Lee sends Evans into the apron and hits a Tiger Feint Kick around the ring post, followed by a kick to the ring steps, sending Evans crashing. Evans counters with a punch and tries to set up a suplex off the steps, but Lee sends him crashing into the ring post. Lee then attempts a brainbuster onto the steps, but Evans blocks it temporarily. Lee then hits a blockbuster right onto the ring steps as we cut to commercial.

When we come back we see both wrestlers perched on the top rope, punching away. Evans then hits a Frankensteiner taking Lee to the mat. They both get up and trade shots in the middle of the ring before Evans hits sort of a clothesline before nailing him with a spinning heel kick. Evans gets a near fall and then heads to the top but misses a jump and eats some boots in the corner. Lee tries a springboard maneuver but is caught and flipped over but catches Evans with a superkick. He then hits a poisonrana and then a Cardiac Kick for a near fall. Lee slips out and grabs a chair and is ready to hit Evans with it but the ref takes it away giving Evans a chance to execute a quick roll up for two. Lee hits him with a kick and Evans surprises him with a cutter out of the corner and then a triple jump Cutter as Lee bails to the floor. Evans greets him there with a suicide dive but he launches himself too far and lands on the announce table. Lee throws Evans back in, gets the chair but before he could use it, RVD's music hits and the WWE Hall of Famer comes out. Lee tries to hit RVD with the chair but he ducks and Evans connects with a dive. Back in the ring, Evans hits a springboard cutter and attempts a Five Star Frog Splash but Lee rolls away to the other side of the ring. Evans hits it anyway and gets the three count. WINNER: Je'Von Evans

Backstage, we see Ava with Stevie Turner and Robert Stone. Eddy Thorpe wants to talk to her too but Ava says she has announcement to make and will talk to him later. Commercial.

We come back to see Ava in the ring with Stevie Turner and Robert Stone. Ava says it's been exciting night already and it's an honor for NXT to be held in such a historic arena. She puts over the Philly fans as the most hardcore in all of wrestling. She then gets to her news - on Saturday, December 7, NXT will be back with Deadline in Minneapolis. She reveals that the Iron Survivor Challenge will return. Robert then says that's great news but he doesn't think Philadelphia fans are the most hardcore fans, but New York fans are. The audience boos and Stone says even Boston fans are more hardcore than Philadelphia fans. Back in the day, they were the talk of the town but like the Phillies and Eagles, their time is past. The lights then go out and when they come back on, Rhyno is in the ring. Stone doesn't see him and as he turns out he is Gore'd. The fans chant ECW as Rhyno poses.

Backstage we see Giulia, Zaria, Jordynne Grace, Stephanie Vaquer and Kelani Jordan. They all take turns talking about the match tonight. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson then enter the picture and ask them if they saw what happened at Crown Jewel. They say that while the five women might be the dream team, they have money on the champions of this division.

Ethan Page & Ridge Holland vs. Trick Williams & Bubba Ray Dudley

Trick and Holland start things off but Holland gets in a cheap shot on Bubba Ray before even locking up so Trick tags in the Hall of Famer. They lock up and Holland with a side headlock. Holland gets Irish Whipped but drops Bubba with a shoulder block. They lock up again and Holland slams Bubba, who appears stunned as Ridge taunts him. A third lock up and this time Bubba drops him and tags in to Trick who hits a double ax-handle from the second rope. After a series of chops, Page gets a tag in behind Trick's back and capitalizes before another quick tag. They try a double suplex but Trick flips out of it and tags Bubba Ray, who sorta cleans house. Trick then hits a springboard double clothesline on Page and Holland by catapulting off of Bubba's back. Commercial.

As we come back live, Bubba is tripped by Page who is outside and pulled into the ring post. In the ring, Holland works over Bubba with punches and a knee to the face leading to a quick count. Ridge with more punches but Bubba tries to fight back. Tag to Page who delivers more punches but he comes off the rope and is caught by a spear. Holland is tagged in but Bubba tags in Trick and he cleans house and sends Page to the outside. In the ring, Trick hits a Rock Bottom on Holland but the count is broken up by Ethan. Page tries for the Ego's Edge but Bubba intervenes. Jumping neck breaker by Trick and he goes for the Trick Shot but misses it and Holland rolls him up and gets the three count. WINNERS: Ethan Page & Ridge Holland.

After the match, Page and Holland beat up Trick with stomps before Bubba comes to the rescue. Bubba and Trick take turns punching Page before being slammed by Bubba. He then sets up Ethan for and Trick goes to the top and nails him. Fans chant for tables and Bubba obliges by calling for the tables. Trick heads out and looks under the ring but can't find one. As they look on confused, the Dudleys' music hits and Devon Dudley comes out with a table! Bubba and Trick set up the table as Ethan pleads with them. Of course they ignore him and chokeslam through the table. Devon gets into the ring puts a pair of glasses on Trick as the three of them celebrate.

Backstage Dion Lennox and Ashante "Thee" Adonis are shown. Karmen Petrovic storms in and asks what happened two weeks ago. Adonis goes "so you are interested" but Petrovic says you cost me a match and I thought we were even. Karmen wants to know who that was with Ashante and he says it was his girl. Karmen says she and his girl of the week should stay out of her business. Ashante says her attitude is not his type but last week was her birthday, right? Well happy belated. Petrovic is surprised that he knew it was her birthday.

Backstage, we see The Family headed to the ring.

We come back from commercial and see Jazmyn Nyx, Cora Jade, Roxanne Perez, Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne talking about the 10-woman tag team match that will take place later tonight. They put over their team of champions and say they are the best division in wrestling and tonight will take center stage and show that they are the ones that run it.

NXT North American Championship Match: Tony D'Angelo vs. Nunzio

Mamaluke tries to distract Tony from the apron, but Nunzio uses the moment to get on the floor and put Mamaluke in front of Tony. Tony punches Mamaluke, and Nunzio locks in a reverse chin lock, but Tony powers out and tosses Nunzio into Mamaluke. Nunzio offers a handshake, but Tony blocks it and hits an arm-trapped belly-to-belly suplex. Nunzio fights back, knocking Tony into the turnbuckles, landing a punch, and hitting a missile dropkick. He follows up with a knee and a Sicilian Slice for a near fall. Mamaluke passes Nunzio brass knuckles while Luca distracts the referee, allowing Channing to hand Tony a crowbar. As the referee turns around, Tony smashes Nunzio with the crowbar before hitting a spinebuster for the pin and the three-count. WINNER: Tony D'Angelo.

Backstage, Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen are shown watching the match. Spears says "perfect" and Jensen is confused because he's riding high. Spears says that's exactly where he wants him. Spears asks him if he's hungry and Jensen says yeah. Spears says he's "feeling Italian"...next week. Brooks catches on what he's trying to say.

We see footage from last week with William Regal and Lexis King where Regal says he was impressed with him and that he proved he's not his father's son by not using the Brass Knuckles. No Quarter Catch Crew then shows up. Regal asks Charlie if he is his father's son and Charlie says time will tell. Regal feels like Myles and Tavion should consider going after the tag team titles as we go to commercial.

Backstage we see Stevie carrying stone Stone accompanying Ava. Nathan Frazer and Axiom are in the back and she congratulates them on their title match. Ava says she will figure out their next opponents later.

We see Francine in the audience.

Jordynne Grace, Kelani Jordan, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer & Zaria vs. Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade, Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, & Jazmyn Nyx

Lengthy intros for all the competitors. As we come back from commercial, Fallon and Jordan start things off. They trade offense before Vaquer tags in and hits a cross body and a rollup for a near fall. Fallon fights back with a couple forearms and tags out to Nyx. She delivers a punch and kick for a near fall but misses a kick and Vaquer fights back with a kick of her own. She hits a heads scissors and drives her head into the mat multiple times before another near fall. Giulia tags in and hits Nyx with a drop toe hold and Vaquer hits a Tiger Feint Kick. They deliver a double elbow drop for a two count. Perez tags in and goes back and forth with Giulia before Jade tags in and gets a near fall. Zaria in now and hits a belly to back suplex before Jade is able to tag out to Jacy. Eventually the match deteriorates where all ten women end up in the ring and we have them all going at it. Perez, Jade, Jayne, Henley, & Nyx all end up outside allowing Jordan to head to the top and hit a moonsault onto them on the floor as her teammates cheer her on. Commercial.

We return to the action with Jordan hitting an O'Connor Roll for a near fall but then chaos breaks out as Jacy dives onto Jordan from the apron, followed by Nyx hitting a suicide dive. Jacy lands a senton for a near fall, then hits a hard Irish whip but misses a cannonball when Jordan moves. Jordan blocks a kick and connects with a forearm, but Jacy fires back with one of her own. Jordan then hits a neckbreaker, and both women are down.

Zaria is pulled off the apron by Fallon to prevent a tag, and Jade tags in. Jordan lands on her feet from a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Grace tags in and unloads with clotheslines, followed by a German suplex on Jade. She then hits a double suplex on Nyx and Fallon and follows up with an Irish whip, power slam, and a Vader Bomb for a near fall. Zaria tags in, and Grace and Zaria deliver a double Doctor Bomb, but Perez breaks up the pin with a crossbody. Perez then drop kicks Zaria out of the ring, and Giulia hits a spinning Michinoku Driver on Perez.

Jacy takes out Giulia, while Vaquer delivers a package backbreaker to Jacy, and Fallon takes care of Vaquer. Jordan stops Fallon, and Jade nails Grace with a dropkick, leaving just the two of them in the ring. At this point, Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend make their way to the ring, with Vaquer hitting a crossbody on Lash after Giulia takes out Jackson.

Perez tags in and delivers a suicide dive onto Zaria, and Jade hits a Swanton onto Jordan, Zaria, and Grace. Perez attempts a crossface, but Zaria escapes, sending Perez into Jade. Zaria lines up Perez but accidentally spears Grace when Perez moves, allowing Perez to hit a back heel kick and attempt Pop Rox, but Zaria counters with an F5 for the pin and gets the three count. WINNERS: Jordynne Grace, Kelani Jordan, Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer & Zaria

Show goes off air.