Tonight on NXT: Tatum Paxley takes on Rosemary, Oro Mensah battles Lexis King, Hank & Tank -vs- Gallus -vs- The Rascalz in a Triple Threat No 1 Contenders Match, Trick Williams seeks out Pete Dunne and more!
Check back for results when the show airs!
The show begins with a video package recap of the events that unfolded at No Mercy.
At ring side, Trick Williams makes his way out to the ring. Williams gets on the mic and he says he's out here for one reason... he started it, but Williams will finish it. He calls out Pete Dunne. Ethan Page's music hits and he comes out and says he's so sorry he's not Pete Dunne but he is the champion - but Trick knows this as he raised his hand as the winner at No Mercy. Page pokes fun at Trick's champ record and Trick comes back and makes fun of Page's clothes and says he's going to come back for his title but he has unfinished business with Pete Dunne. Page says did he hear Williams right? His title? Page says he headlines NXT even when it moves to CW. Dunne tries to do a sneak attack on Williams but he evades it and the two men brawl in the ring as Page cheers.
Hank and Tank are walking backstage and Gallus comes in and says they're the draw and they'll come out on top in their match.
Jaida Parker comes by and The Fatal Influence comes up to her and asks her what she's missing and they point out she isn't the champ. Jazmyn Nyx challenges Parker for later.
Match 1 - Triple Threat No 1 Contenders Match: The Rascalz -vs- Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) -vs- Hank & Tank
The Rascalz come out first, followed by Gallus, and then Hank & Tank. Gallus and Hank and Tank go at it as the Rascalz look on. Rascalz attack Gallus and get both men down with double stomps. Hank goes after Miguel and throws him into the turnbuckle. Gallus then double teams Hank and goes for a pin. Miguel then takes down Wolfgang and Hank takes down Miguel for a two count. Wolfgang and Hank battle it out in the corner and Coffey is tagged in who stomps away and Hank. Miguel comes and breaks it up. Coffey beats down Miguel who fights back and gets a two count cover. Hank takes down Miguel who gets up and gets clotheslined by Coffey. Wentz is tagged in who cleans house. Wentz goes back and forth slapping Coffey and Hank. Hank and Tank both pick up Wentz and Miguel and slams them and atomic drops Gallus. Gallus is squished by Hank and Tank and we go to commercial break.
Back from commercial break, Hank and Wolfgang are trading punches and Mark Coffey is tagged in and he takes down Hank. Coffey punches Hank and Wentz joins in on the punches. Hank takes down both Wentz and Coffey. Tank is tagged in and he attacks Gallus and gets Coffey down separately. Hank gets Coffey down for a two count. Miguel takes it to Tank and then to Coffey. Miguel hits a scorpion kick and neckbreaker for a two count and now all the men are in the ring. Hank and Tank clear the ring and Joe Coffey tries to distract everyone but Je'Von Evans runs down and beats on him and the Good Brothers distract Hank and Tank and the Rascalz double team Tank and get the win.
Winners: The Rascalz
Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Nathan Frazer and Axiom. She brings up Ridge Hollands attack and they say it's messed but they're focused on their challengers. The Rascalz come by and say they'll be the next champs.
Backstage Pete Dunne and Trick Williams fight in the lockerrooms.
Match 2: Lexis King -vs- Oro Mensah w/Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson
Lexis King is in the ring and MetaFour comes out. In the ring, Mensah talks smack to King and the bell rings and the men go at it. They bounce back and forth off the ropes in a grapple. Mensah takes down King and gives him some right hands. Mensah chops away at King and smokes him in the corner. Mensah throws King into the bottom rope and comes at him with a forearm and a two count cover. King crawls to the ropes and kicks Mensah in the face. Mensah comes back with a rolling heel kick and the men are out side of the ring. King tries to escape and Mensah flips him off the barricade outside the ring. Back in the ring, King is slammed down to the mat for a one count. Mensah kicks king in the face and chops him in the corner. King punches Mensah back and he smokes King. Mensah goes for a spingboard move but King pushes him off the ropes. King throws Mensah back in the ring and kicks him. Two count cover and King starts to punch on Mensah. King gets Mensah down again and kicks him in the spine and clobbers him again for a two count. King talks smack to Mensah in the corner who snaps and starts going to town on King. Ref is trying to break it up but Mensah has gone berserk. Lexis King schoolboys Mensah for the win.
Winner: Lexis King
Backstage, D'Angelo Family is backstage minus Tony and Oba Femi comes back and says they're sad their boss isn't a match for anyone. Rizzo gets in Femi's face and he says women in some cultures should be seen not heard. Tony comes and says Stacks will take care of Femi tonight.
Gallus is backstage losing it because they lost. Dempsey, Sinclair and Borne walk in and ask Gallus to keep it down. Joe says after he takes care of Je'Von they're coming after the cup. Wren goes to an issue a challenge but Dempsey ends the chat and tells Wren to stop issuing challenges and jump the gun.
We see the Roxanne Perez make her way to the arena earlier today.
Match 3: Tatum Paxley -vs- Rosemary w/Wendy Choo
Paxley is out first and Rosemary comes out next with Wendy Choo and they spook around the ring. The bell rings and Rosemary chokeholds Paxley and takes her to the corner. Rosemary gets her in a hold but Paxley counters out and throws Rosemary down. Paxley holds her in a headlock and it's broken up. Rosemary gets Paxley down on the ropes and chokes her out on the bottom rope. Rosemary walks into some punches but she headbutts Paxley. German suplex to Paxley and Rosemary takes her down with a clothesline for a two count. Rosemary has Paxley in a headlock and gets her on her shoulder. Paxley sends Rosemary into the ropes and dropkicks Rosemary. Paxley gets Rosemary in the corner and splashes into her. Jumping elbow onto Rosemary for a two count. Paxley splashes onto Rosemary who catches her and hits a fallaway slam followed by another for a two count. Rosemary tries for a right hand but Paxley hits knee and slam Rosemary to the mat for the win.
Winner: Tatum Paxley
After the match, Wendy Choo attacks Paxley and Rosemary spears her. Lyra Valkyria runs down for the save and clears the ring. Paxley and Valkyria hug.
Sarah Schreiber catches up with Pete Dunne who talks trash on Williams and you see both men go at it again as officials try to break things up. Ava comes in and orders a match right now. Ethan Page says things are falling apart under her GM reign.
Jordynne Grace has an IG story saying she's holding an open challenge next week.
Match 4: Pete Dunne -vs- Trick Williams
Dunne is out first and Williams comes out and they start at each other outside the ring. Williams pounds down Dunne and slams him into the barricade. Williams chops Dunne against the barricade and Dunne runs into the ring and the bell rings. Williams chops Dunne in the ring and hoists him up in a chokehold. Dunne counters out and slams Williams into the mat. Dunne double knees Williams' forearms and pulls at his mouth. Dunne applies a wrist lock and stomps on Williams arm. Williams comes back with a neck break and a two count. William tries to suplex Dunne but Dunne counters and DDT's Williams. Dunne places Williams in a stretch type submission and stomps on Williams back and kicks him in the head. Dunne continues to kick Williams who is getting a second wind. Williams delivers a series of chops and blows and throws Dunne in the air and uppercuts him. Williams hits a neck breaker and both men get on the apron. Dunne trips up Williams and gets him caught up by the ring apron. Dunne kicks Williams and slides him onto the steel steps and stomps on his head and we cut to commercial.
Back from commercial, Williams is laid out on the mat and Dunne is stalking him and gets him down with a kick. Williams fights back and comes back with punches and splash. Williams powers up and kicks down Dunne and then flapjacks him. Dunne fights back with a DDT and then gets on the top rope and gets caught and planted by Williams for the two count. Dunne hits a German suplex on Williams and stomps on Williams hands and then face. Dunne back on the top rope, Williams meets him up there and Dunne flips over and powerbombs Williams. Dunne sets up for the bitter end but Williams counters into a slam. Williams kicks Dunne in the face and sends him to the outside. Williams tries to kick Dunne who moves out of the way and both men get onto the second level guard rail. Williams goes to slam Dunne off the rail but Dunne works on fingers and both men throw each other off the rail into the announce table and the ref counts 10. Double count out.
Double Countout
Williams and Dunne continue to brawl after the match ends.
We get a video promo from Ridge Holland regarding him turning on them. He promises to destroy Chase U, starting next week.
Brooks Jensen is stopped by Shawn Spears. Spears says Jensen is the only one who looked for him after he was attacked. He wants to thank Brooks and says he's invested in this. Jensen says everyone says Spears is manipulating him. Spears says Jensen should think for himself.
Match 5: Je'Von Evans -vs- Joe Coffey w/Gallus
Joe Coffey flanked with Wolfgang and Mark come out first and Evans comes out next. Evans flies out of his corner and takes down Coffey, but Coffey comes back with punches. Coffey tries with some offense but Evans comes back with some drop kicks and suicide dives out on Coffey who crashes into the announce table. Back in the ring, Coffey catches Evans and hits a bomb splash off the turnbuckle. Evans now comes back and kicks Coffey and hits a springboard kick on Coffey. Coffey throws Evans out of the ring and Wolfgang goes to beat on Evans but Cedric Alexander comes out for the save. Joe gets into his face and Evans come back with a splash on everyone. Evans throws Coffey in the ring and hits a top rope spinning splash for the win.
Winner: Je'Von Evans
Backstage, Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley are talking backstage and Lyra says she can't keep her eyes off her. She says she wants to be Paxley's partner and they hug.
Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Ava Raine. She talks about Williams and Dunne's feud and how to handle this. Next week, she's a booked a Last Man Standing Match between the two where the winner challenges Ethan Page.
Match 6: Oba Femi -vs- Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo w/The D'Angelo Family
Femi comes out first followed by Stacks and The Family. The bell rings and Stacks is able to get some punches on Femi and use his quickness to mount him in the corner. Femi uses his power to throw Stacks across the ring and clothesline Stacks. Elbows to Stacks as Femi watches Tony while he hammers down on Stack. Femi locks in a headlock and Stacks tries to fight out of the hold. Stacks hits Femi with a kick that sends him to the outside. Femi comes at Stacks with a clothesline that knocks Stacks on the apron. Back in the ring, Femi clobbers Stacks as he bounces off the rope. Femi repeats the same move and then hits a bodyslam into the ropes. Femi stomps on Stacks and he keeps locking his eyes on The Don. Stacks attempts a roll up but Femi kicks him. Stacks comes at Femi with punches and chops and hits a drop kick on Femi. Stacks gets on the top rope, and jumps at Femi who dodges it and after Stack lands, Femi slams into him in the corner. Femi hits a powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Oba Femi
Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic are talking backstage and Ashante Thee Adonis comes in and hits on her. Eddy Thorpe comes in and calls out Adonis. Adonis asks him to stay out his way.
Je'Von Evans is backstage talking to Wren Sinclair. He says one day he'll be the Heritage Cup. Wren asks why he thinks he is ready and Evans rattles on his accomplishments. Wren books a match next week with Charlie Dempsey next week. Dempsey comes in and she breaks the news to him. Dempsey flips out and yells at Borne who has been standing there with headphones in.
Match 7: Jazmyn Nyx w/Fatal Influence -vs- Jaida Parker
Fatal Influence is out first followed by Jaida Parker. The bell rings and Nyx and Parker lock up. Nyx gets Parker in a headlock but is taken down with a shoulder block. They lock up again and Nyx goes at Parker's taped ribs. Parker fights back and gets Nyx down and slams her in the corner. Back body drop on Nyx for a two count. Parker goes for a slam but Nyx fights out, Henley gets on the apron and distracts Parker allowing Nyx to kick Parker in the ribs. Parker comes back with punches but Nyx throws Parker into the ropes and drop kicks her. Nyx somersaults onto Parker for a two count. Nyx now applies a submission hold on Parker. Parker elbows out of the move but Nyx on her back. Parker overpowers and throws Nyx on her shoulders but Nyx comes back with punches. Nyx goes into the ropes but Parker catches her and Samoan drops her. Parker now throws Nyx around the ring and props her in the corner and chops her stomach. Parker bounces off the rope and sits on Nyx's stomach. Nyx hits an inside cradle for a two count. Parker comes back with a hip check for the win.
Winner: Jaida Parker
After the match Fatal Influence attack Jaida Parker. The three women stand above Parker as she lays there in pain.
Roxanne Perez walks backstage and we cut to commercial.
Backstage the NXT women are all chatting. Fatal Influence comes in and make fun of the girls asking about the new girl. Kelani Jordan says she's not going to allow these three to poison the lockerroom. Jacy Jayne tells Jordan that her days are numbered as champ.
Back at ringside, Roxanne Perez makes her way to the ring. Perez says she isn't bored of being the champ and the best. She talks about smashing all the records women like Iyo Sky and Asuka had made. She says people cannot stop talking about Roxanne Perez. Perez says she's the center of this division and no one can take her title. It doesn't matter who it is, even if you're the hottest free agent from Japan. She says when the smoke clears it'll be her holding her title. Shhhh! It's Chelsea. Chelsea Green comes out and asks who she was expecting. Green insults the audience and says they smell. Green says she'll do anything for her fans - except the creepy ones. She says she's the number one contender... the lights go off and Giulia comes out.
Giulia gets in the ring and Chelsea Green gets in her face and Guilia punches her out. Perez looks on pissed off and Guilia and Perez come face to face. Guilia says "You, me... CW" and both ladies stare each other down as the show goes off the air.