TNA iMPACT Results (January 23, 2025): San Antonio, TX.

The fallout from TNA Genesis 2025 goes down tonight in “The Lone Star State.”

TNA Wrestling returns with this week’s special live episode of TNA iMPACT on AXS TV, Sportsnet and TNA+ at 8/7c from the Boeing Center at Tech Port in San Antonio, Texas.

TNA iMPACT starts ...NOW!

Gia Miller is outside the arena with Santino Marella who says they’re taking it to another level as they are live and they say they have a couple of surprises. A car stops in front of them and Gia Miller asks if this could be one of them and Santino says he can’t tell.

Joe Hendry’s music hits. He says he is the new TNA World Champion and the fans chant “You deserve it”. He said anytime he had an uphill battle, they chanted “We believe”. He says he is here to talk about this title reign and what it is going to mean for him and the entire industry. He says he went to Santino and he said he will put this title on the line against anyone from anywhere. He says anything can happen because TNA iMPACT is live. Santino Marella’s music hits and he congratulates Joe Hendry and he said Joe came up to him to defend the title against anyone and anywhere. He said Joe Hendry will defend his title against this man. Matt Cardona’s music hits and he comes out and stares at Joe Hendry from the stage.

We see Josh Alexander saying he quit TNA at Genesis. We see the backstage interaction between him and Eric Young.

Eric Young and Maclin are backstage, and Eric says Josh is worth saving. Maclin says he stood up for him and that’s worth saving. Eric defends Josh and Maclin says no one owes Josh Alexander a damn thing. Eric says maybe Josh Alexander heard him. Josh comes up to him and says he respects them both and thanks them for everything over the years.

Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt run down the card for tonight.

Gia Miller is outside Nic Nemeth’s locker room and Ryan Nemeth comes out instead. Nic Nemeth comes out and says he will address everyone tonight. Ryan Nemeth says this interview is over.

The Personal Concierge is in the ring wearing a cowboy hat and says he is here to show what he thinks of San Antonio, and he steps on the hat to boos. He says what is not trash is the dream team and introduces Ash and Heather by Elegance.

Masha Slamovich and Spitfire vs. Rosemary and Ash & Heather By Elegance

Dani wrings Rosemary’s arm but Rosemary whips her into the ropes and Jody tags herself in and hits a crossbody on Rosemary for two. Rosemary takes Jody in her corner and chokes both Jody and her partner Heather. Ash tags herself in and hits a short arm clotheslinesm for two. Rosemary gets the tag and hits an Exploder Suplex for two. Ash gets the tag and hits a vertical suplex for two. Ash takes out Dani Luna and looks to do the same on Masha but Masha ducks hits her instead. Masha gets the tag and throws Ash into Rosemary and hits a Rosemary with a clothesline. Dani Luna hits a single leg dropkick, Heather hits a dropkick, Masha hits a spin kick. Dani Luna gets the tag and hits a snap German Suplex on Ash. Cora Jade’s music hits and she comes out and she hands Masha an envelope to Masha and it has a photo of Masha crossed out. Ash rolls up Dani Luna for the win.

Rosemary and Ash & Heather By Elegance def. Masha Slamovich and Spitfire by pinfall

Josh Alexander comes out with The Northern Armory. Josh says at TNA Genesis, he quit TNA. He says he would like to thank TNA to give him the opportunity to address this. He says he has been a wrestler for 20 years and he has prided himself on being unbreakable and gives everything he has. He says at TNA Genesis he broke, he threw everything he had at Mike Santana and it wasn’t enough, and that is why Mike is the new standard of TNA. He says the match made Josh face some hard truths. He says he is not proud and since his time has come to an end, he wants to think of the good times. He says his son has only known him as a TNA wrestler and as a champion. He says on June 19th, 2002, he was 15 years old and he became a lifelong TNA fan. He says they have no reason to trust him, but he says his time in TNA has been a dream come true but it’s time for him to step away. Sinner and Saint face him and Josh says they have all the talent in the world and do it the right way, just without him. Travis Williams says he can’t leave and they attack Josh Alexander. Eric Young comes out and Sinner and Saint bail. Eric says they don’t mess with Texas and they don’t mess with Eric Young and Josh Alexander. He says next week they will face Eric Young and his tag partner Josh Alexander and they will sort it out like men.

JDC and Moose vs. The Hardys

JDC whips Matt Hardy into the corner for two. JDC goes for Down and Dirty but Matt Hardy moves out of the way. Jeff Hardy gets the tag and hits an Atomic Drop followed by leg drop and elbow drop and goes for the cover but JDC breaks it up. Moose goes for a Spear but Jeff moves and hits a Twist of Fate. He goes to the top rope and JDC tries to bring him down but Matt Hardy hits him with a Twist of Fate. Moose runs up the ropes but Jeff takes him down and hits him with a Swanton Bomb for the win.

The Hardys def. JDC and Moose by pinfall

The 23 number shows up on the video screen.

Sami Callihan comes out and calls out 23 to come out right now. Steph Lander comes out and says she is 23 she is the new TNA Digital Media Champion that she won in the divorce. She says now that her husband is out the door, let her introduce her to her new boyfriend. The lights go out and Mance Warner attacks Sami Callihan from behind and hits Sami Callihan with the Digital Media Championship. Steph kisses Mance.
Reaction: I guess PCO really was 23. Mance Warner came out instead and unfortunately got a weak reaction as most people in the arena didn’t know who he was. But a solid addition to the TNA roster nonetheless.

We see a teaser for TNA Rebellion in Los Angeles.

Arianna Grace has joined the announce team and she says she it is her pleasure to be here for the first live TNA iMPACT in 8 years.

Fraxiom vs. The Rascalz for the NXT Tag Team Championships

Wentz with a German Suplex on Frazer and hits a running Shooting Star Press for two. Frazer hits a slingblade and goes for a cover but Miguel breaks it up. Axiom hits a missile dropkick on Miguel. Frazer hits a superplex on Wentz and Axiom gets two. Miguel takes out Frazer on the apron and Axiom hits a superkick on Miguel and Wentz hits a springboard knee on Axiom. Wentz hits a superkick on Axiom and Axiom hits a superkick on Wentz off the handspring. Frazer gets a double superkick off a springboard moonsault and Axiom kicks out. Wes Lee shows up and distracts the referee and Tyson and Tyriek take out Wentz and trip Miguel on the top rope. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly on Miguel and Frazer hits a Phoenix Splash for the win.

Fraxiom def. The Rascalz to defend the NXT Tag Team Championships

Santana comes out and says he made Josh Alexander say the two words he said he’ll never say, “I quit”. He said he will become the TNA World Champion. Mustafa Ali’s music hits and he says he is here to officially announce that he has signed with TNA. He says there is work to be done and he wants to give them something to truly believe in. He says he is launching a campaign where he will become the next TNA World Champion. He says to remember, “In Ali, we trust”.

Tessa is in her locker room and someone knocks on her door and says she is next and she walks out.

Tessa Blanchard’s music hits and she stands on the stage. She says it feels good to be back in Blanchard territory. She says a lot of people say this is where legends are made. She says Blanchards owned San Antonio. They show Tully Blanchard in the crowd. She says her grandfather brought wrestling to cable television. She says San Antonio can’t even get a real sports teams. She says the only thing they’re famous for is losing the Alamo. She says her father and grandfather looked at her when she was a little girl and knew there was something inside of her greater than any Von Erich, Stone Cold Steve Austin or Funk and said, “Tessa, you are going to be great”. She says most parents don’t do that and she says they will never hear that Tessa Blanchard is not great. She says last Sunday she took out the trash and she says Tessa Blanchard answers to no one.

Kazarian’s music hits and he comes out to join the announce team.

TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs. Matt Cardona

The Tale of the Tape "Tag Lines" graphic flashes on the screen to set the stage for the main event of the evening. Frankie Kazarian's theme hits and out comes the self-proclaimed "King of TNA" and Call Your Shot Gauntlet winner, with his trophy in-hand. He joins Hannifan and Rehwoldt on commentary. From there, the "Alwayz Ready" theme hits and out comes "The Complete" Matt Cardona, as he is being called. Cardona settles inside the squared circle and poses on the ropes ahead of his big title opportunity in his return TNA appearance. After Cardona settles inside the squared circle, the familiar sounds of Joe Hendry's catchy-ass entrance tune plays to bring out the brand new TNA World Champion and face of the new era of TNA, Joe Hendry. The fans in San Antonio clearly believe, and are making as much known as he heads to the ring. A fan holding up a "Joe Hendry believes in breakfast tacos" sign is shown on camera. Got to love the San Antonio creativity. McKenzie Mitchell is shown on-camera and handles the formal pre-match ring introductions for the champion and challenger. Hannifan mentions #TNAWrestling is trending number one in Sports in America on X as the show heads into a quick pre-match commercial break. When the show returns, the bell sounds to get things started. Hendry over-powers Cardona off the initial lock up. Kazarian talks on commentary for the second time since sitting down about being in a bad mood. He claims if JBL shows his face inside the Impact Zone, he might just knock him out. Meanwhile, Hendry goes to work with repeated chops to Cardona in the corner. Cardona hits Hendry low and taunts the booing crowd in the Boeing Center. Hendry fights back and takes over. Hendry hits his trademark stalling suplex spot. "252 pounds of pure motivation" continues to work over Cardona, until "The Indy God" knocks him out of the ring and chokes him with his t-shirt. As Cardona rubs it in the fans faces, he turns and leaps on Hendry, who catches him and Donkey Kong's him off the hard part of the ring apron from the floor with an A.A. As Kazarian boats smelling good tonight on commentary, Cardona pokes Hendry in the eyes and takes over as the show heads into a mid-match commercial break. When the show returns, Hannifan runs down the advertised lineup for next week's show (see below), as Cardona continues to work over Hendry in the ring. Hendry begins to fight back, and stomps and claps to lead the fans in "We will rock you" sounding comeback background noise. Cardona cuts Hendry's comeback short, however, and the cheers quickly turn to loud droning boos. Cardona looks for the Re-Boot, but Hendry avoids it and begins fighting back again. He looks for a power bomb, but Cardona escapes and blasts Hendry in the throat. He follows up with a missile dropkick and close-range DDT for a two-count. Cardona complains to the referee. He turns around and looks for Radio Silence, but Hendry avoids it. The referee gets bumped just as Hendry hits his Standing Ovation finisher. "That's certainly a shame, isn't it?" says Kazarian on commentary. Kazarian claims this is where Hendry would normally grab brass knuckles, which Hannifan quickly points out is actually a page out of Kaz's own playbook. Cardona blasts Hendry with a blatant low-blow while the referee was still down. Kaz says his monitor went out, so he didn't see it. Rehwoldt didn't either, of course. Cardona rubs his hands together and eyes the TNA World Championship at the timekeepers table. He picks it up and continues his fixated stare at it as he heads to the ring. JBL comes out through the crowd and takes out Cardona with a Clothesline from Hell. Fans chant "JBL! JBL!" Hendry is stuck confused at JBL's actions. He turns around and is blasted by a recovered Cardona with the title. Cardona covers him just as the referee comes back to life. Hendry kicks out at two-and-a-half. Hendry fights back and hits a Standing Ovation seconds later for the win, getting the first defense of his TNA World Championship under his belt. That's how the first live TNA Impact in eight years goes off the air.

Joe Hendry def. Matt Cardona to defend the TNA World Championship.

(H/T: Himanshu Doi of & Matt Boone of