Various News: Russo vs. Cornette; Kairi Hojo Leaves Japan, Rusev Back in Action

-- The ongoing saga of Vince Russo and Jim Cornette butting heads continued today after Russo accused Cornette of stalking him and filed a restraining order.

-- In case you haven't been following this story, the two have always had animosity for one another dating back years, but it all seemed to reach a boiling point when Cornette appeared on a recent WWE "Table for Three" with Eric Bischoff and Michael Hayes. On the show, Cornette and Bischoff pretty much shared their mutual hatred for Russo, which caused Vince to respond via his podcast and Cornette to then publicly challenge him to a fight. The two have bickered back and forth since.

-- In response to the document ordering him to stay away from Russo, Russo's wife and Russo's place of employment, Cornette tweeted:

-- Former Stardom talent Kairi Hojo has left Japan and is now on her way to the US to begin her career with WWE. There is no word on Io Shirai, but she is also expected to join WWE later this year.

-- As reported before, Rusev was backstage Smackdown Live this week but was not used on the show - likely due to lack of creative plans for him. However, he is due back in live action this weekend at house shows, challenging for the US title in three way matches against Kevin Owens and Mojo Rawley.